Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 22
No banno standing over any corpses, knife in hand, laughing maniacally like a fairy tale sorcerer. no gloom or doom of any kind. unless you counted the doom radiating from dad's furious eyes.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 1
The happiness looked as though it would last forever, but sadly, that only happens in fairy tales.
Meeting at the Pub
tales does come true, he got his princess.
Mystic Woods Ch. 2
fairy tales and silly myths! what garbage!" a metallic smashing sound resonated from the private chambers, followed by a cascade of what worrin judged was glass as it rained down upon the stone floor. "wretched filth!"
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Seven
Looking down at it, justin couldn't decide if laetitia looked like something out of a history book, or a fairy tale.
Meeting Him
The big bad wolf was a fairy tale no more. he was huffing and puffing and was about to eat me, the defenceless pig. his fur smelt of sweet strawberries and mint, and for a moment it distracted me from him.
Fairy Godmother
Live life in true fairy tale. click here now.' snowheart wasn't so naïve as to think this was real. but whatever scam was trying to be pulled it was certainly different. and despite the fact she should have known better.
The bear's woods
The path ended in a old medieval house that looked straight out of a fairy tale. smoke billowed from the chimney. in the window, thomas saw what looked like a large black bear prowling the insides of the house.
Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic [Chapter 1] Enter New Territory
Once she secured her things though she was greeted with something that looked like it had been lifted right out of a fairy tale. she had heard that the academy was big but damn, it looked more like a kingdom than a school.
Identity: Chapter Thirty-Six
I just wanted to live as proof that good sometimes _can_win in the real world, not just in fairy tales." the coyote smiled fondly. "and i wouldn't want that.
Pride-Keepers & Howlers
It truly looked like a town out of some kind of fairy tale and kasi couldn't wait to go there. his concentration was broken by a scream. "let go of me you brute!"