Izzy's Diary
I wish i didn't have to...if i could have one wish, it would be that i didn't have to go out foraging... i wish i could just stay in here where i feel safe...under my blanket...with an acorn...
Rise of the Giestkin - Prologue
Her wish had passed into the hands of those who wish to benefit only themselves, and those with conflicted ideals. the once-great peace of krin, now clouded by the bicentennial faction wars, fell to darker times.
Tenderheart’s Tiny Timeout
That is where you come in wish. i need to make a wish. a wish for another, but its a wish that will likely be against their will. i want to wish tenderheart became my cub again until he rediscovers his tenderness".
A fox and his lamp. *short story*
"one of those guys that grants you three wishs?" the tod blinks, "....." tinny huffs, "make a wish kid..." the tod huffs, "i wished...for...a sword?"
Your Best [INSERT HERE] Walks Into a Bar Jokes With a Twist!
So for my second wish, i wished for **immortality** affording endless years of perfect health with which to enjoy my fortune.
Zy Zy University Chapter 6
And my third wish was...you had power however she never granted that wish and left" elizabeth stared down at the table "i'm just a...wish..." he nods.
A Letter To My Wife
Nbsp; i love you till the end of time, and my love shall give me the power to protect you, to be able to keep you in my arms forever, and in the beginning, i have yearned for you, so i can give you my love forever, you are the only one i wish
Sinori's Story - Chapter Three
I hear your wish..."
Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time
#7 of pokemon story chase the raichu and his team make it to the legendary fountain of wishes, and wish is clear to him from the moment he embarked.
Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time
#5 of pokemon story chase the raichu and his team make it to the legendary fountain of wishes, and wish is clear to him from the moment he embarked.
Part One - Whispering Shadows
"i-will-fulfill-you-one-wish." varan fell silent and delved deep into own subconsciousness. is this what father hid away from the whole court? invisible being, hiding in the shadows and fullfiling everyone one of his wishes?
Darkness and Starlight 25 - Possession
Eventually they seemed to reply back with: _"that is your wish, so be it koopin. but what does james think of this?"_ "i wish for the same of course," said fg.