Light's Caress (Night part two)

News spreads fast, and the connection with different tribes is strong, so most werewolves know what human has been added to what tribe quickly.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 14

"you can't just -" "are you a part of this tribe or not, ander?" "yes, but i -" "and am i not the chieftain of this tribe?" "yes..." "then does that not mean i am your chieftain as well?"

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2c, The Great Illusion

Reis had never heard it used in conjunction with any discussion involving the tribes. "seirn 4:13?" bishop fulgaré nodded, continuing along toward a gathering among the tribes men that included prince malcom.

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Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)

Kumis and milk would be the most common beverages consumed when water is not easily available and maybe in general, it probably varies tribe to tribe and individual to individual.


Ekain's biography

Mini-story: born in a very old tribe in which the charizard were like big guardians, ekain was the trainer of the son of the leader of the tribe and being a charmander already had the tattoo of the tribe making it very respected by the rest of the village.


Mixed Tale 3 - Tribal Conflict (Violence Warning)

Those that got away did so with quick legs, and the advantage of such a large tribe allowed many to escape in morbid disbelief. "i named chief because i strongest and smartest warrior in tribe."

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Wiroch: Basic Info

Both sex's were even in physical strength, although females had a greater capacity for wisdom in most tribes. most tribes were led by female elders.

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

His priests are fearsome, and known to do more than dabble in the dark arts, but it is through fear and power that a tribe stays together.

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Charhorn's Origin Story

And yet, what they didn't realize was that he was leaving the tribe for good - and he was taking his followers with him.

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MTG: Aqalax

Like all tribes in the fivefold alliance, the wi revere the sun above all other spirits. in particular, they feel like this era's sun is meant for them, and indeed solar magic comes to them more easily than most other tribes.

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