The Cursed
Fortunately, the treetops high above were thick enough to block out any moonlight. as such, it was almost perfectly dark on the forest floor, and i was certain that that was the only reason she hadn't caught me yet.
Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon
For now though, we return to the humble treetops of atrius and the loving home of kiannah, reading the bedtime story, so old and heeded, to her granddaughters.
A Drop in the Pool
Beyond the second story window laid a medium sized meadow teaming with lush yellow-green treetops, the leaves scattered enough to be prominent and far enough to show parts of the rich brown tree trunk, deep viridians of the soft, cushion-like grass that carpeted
Chapter 21: The Pass of Mandobar
The drop ship flared its jets and rose above them and blasted its engines to gain momentum and it disappeared over the treetops. the two raptor support craft did the same as they passed overhead.
Invane: Fesvitmess
Watching as branch after branch fell from their treetops, blocking the alterative roads underneath them and preventing anyone from getting through. it was devastating and hell.
Anima Chapter 19
We had built a nest in the days prior, high up in the treetops. but piecing it all together was not immediate until i saw the eggs.
A Taste of the Wild
Atlas glanced around as a warm afternoon breeze swept through the forest, sending a few leaves drifting down from the treetops. "hey, caden?" he asked. "hmm?" caden replied, without moving from her position sprawled out on the rock ledge.
Chapter Eight: The Other World
Quickly you get closer to the planet, entering the thick atmosphere and finally reaching hundreds of yards above the treetops.
Tower of Ancients Chapter 2~The Land of Broken Dreams
A beam of light pierced the treetops above as it shined on the statue from before. a statue of a woman with long hair, wearing a the same pendant as ravens'. raven slowly walked up to the statue as the flowers began to move.
The Demon Woods
The sickle moon peaked through the dense treetops, the clouds starting to gather. the wind whispered in the woods, the trees creaking like bending bones. the bushes let out hushed gasps. the dead leaves crunched quietly underfoot. tucker pushed on.
Paws Of Snow Chapter Two
With the plan set, the team dug the foxholes and crimson took his elevated treetop position with a compact hammock he had packed with his gear, staking out for the night and watching the sky with a pair of digital, night vision and thermal binocs.
Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #3
A gentle breeze whipped through the treetops; the shadows of the leaves dancing around me. i sat in thought. 'am i ready to digivolve to ultimate level just yet?' i worried. of course i knew that digivolving to taomon was an important event.