Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 176

She cried out in pain and a thin line of blood shot from her nostrils and splattered against the wall, glinting by the light of the lantern like a naked blade. "tap! tap! tap!"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 10

Crimson splatter filled his palm, the creature he held no longer felt like a living being but like a wet sponge that just got squeezed.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 45

A flash of memory, of orange light glancing off the blood-splattered tip of garten's knife, flowing crimson over ander's shaking fingers, mixing with his own.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 28

She ripped the dagger out of wardo's gushing arm, splattering the both of them with blood. the way it sprayed was a sight to behold, the way the drips flew from the tip of her blade pure poetry.

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Innocence Lost

Warm blood splattered across the fresh powder of snow and across the ashen face of the young man as the blade bit and crunched bone in a fatal strike. he withdrew the blade and stalked along side a burnt out building.

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A Cruel Fate

The body of a hero's only son hit the concrete hard as lightning flashed throughout the village hidden in the leaves, blood splattering on the ground from his wound. the soaked, sobbing mess of a child coughed up blood due to the kunai in his back.

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Show and Tell

Probably something unpleasant, leonard wagered, considering the blood trickling from z's hands and the blood splatter all over the front of his smock.

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BX-132 Chapter 5

"the captain respectfully reports site 64 is off the grid, sir. it has been expatriated to the civilian sector and mefit construction is clearing the site in preparation for a new subdivision, sir" if looks could kill, he would be a red splatter on the

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 1 - Round 4

A couple of licks of slime hit the perspex wall at the front, forming dome-shaped splatter marks as it slid downwards.

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Star Fox, Leon's Legend (Part 4)

Leon tried to scream out for the team, but was cut short but a choking cough, blood splattering on the wall of his cockpit.

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Sudden Cake

Pictures were splattered in between these runes, showing various round animals, though none looked to even be realistically large; all were orbs with tiny appendages sticking out.

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Rising Anew Chapter 14 War Cries!!!

Menota was splattered with the blood of several foes and she began to smell of rotten meat. narcenac himself had a cut on his rump, where a spear had just barely missed his hip. all of them were aching from the strain of their flight.

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