Tribes Culture Descriptions
What separates them from the norse is a splitting fault line, filled with thousands of small and large islands and between them are mangrove trees and freshwater rivers as twice as wide as the mississippi but only about sixty feet deep at most.
Going home: Strongburgh, Part 3 of 4 (an excerpt)
The most impressive thing, to him, was how powerful and small the batteries had become in sixty years. by his calculation, the battery he put in the disruptor, barely the size of his thumb had enough power to short most electronics.
Harland 01
"but that was over sixty years ago, things have to have changed in that time." "that was over a decade ago for me, i don't remember that much about the place." he looked outside again. "although i don't remember harland ever being this glitzy.
Going Home: Harland Part 2 of 5 (Excerpt)
He was human, in his early sixties, "they're filming the seventh movie." "i don't know why they're bothering," the one next to him said. a coyote in the same age range. "the fifth and sixth were disasters." "they weren't that bad." "oh come on.
Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter 5 - Tying Up Loose Ends
"by god how did our order only come out to be sixty bucks? i swear, that was the best peanut butter fluff ball i've ever had."
Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)
The remaining sixty two metamorphosed into animals. andalusian horses, to be specific." "that's ludicrous. why would a nazi.."
Daddy's Girl
The speedometer pointed to sixty, an almost suicidal velocity in such dense traffic, but the car was nimble and kahnso, when sober, had the reflexes to make it move so smoothly. the engine's cry rose to a yowl as the needle hit seventy.
Leviathan 01: Name of the Game
He wonders what it would have been like to be born back during the twenty-sixties, when atheism was such a popular fad the vatican had been annexed. he supposes that it comes in cycles.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 17-Camaro Vs Mustang
He over took the two boss 429s,the two 2012 camaros,the iroc-z and both sixty nines,sliding into third place behind alex.
A Dream
"hey wake up eta's sixty seconds." "where are we going." "fuck! you prolly slept through the briefing too. the target residence is a two story home, at least ten armed men have barricaded themselves inside.
And the day started out so good.
She cut him off once more, "dollar sixty-four, right?" nodding jamie took her correct change and said, "thank you very much, stop by again." for the first time the fox seemed happy, calling out as she left, "maybe."
Nasa has prepared sixty sets of shirts, pants, and underwear all seamless for your extended stay aboard the columbia space shuttle but you're going to have to use one of those sets of clothes right now, if you can't calm down.