Eevee's Story - Chapter 1

She takes care of the houseplants and she's always on top of her schoolwork so i'm sure she'll make sure to take good care of him. i just...

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Phoenix's Story - Chapter Three

You knew the deal; your schoolwork comes first before any trainer excursions." sara sighed and nodded.

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Locals Only (Pages 1-31)

"yeah, and not even schoolwork. he'd probably want to study the constitution or football plays or something to convince them that ransome is unamerican." nicholas added. todd couldn't help but laugh along, despite his objections. "alright, maybe.

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Chapter Twenty One -- Sakura, Sakura, Hanazakari and Epilogue

"benji's finished his schoolwork," she announced, sliding off miyatsu's lap. "he says would i like to go down to the beach with him and the others before dinner."

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Three.

"this big is just using you to help out with his failing schoolwork. you said he's a jock. they're usually stupid, right?" anthony nodded several more times with a pleased smile on his face, arms folded over his chest still.

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The Family Vulpes Chp6

"oh no...with all my schoolwork i completely...i forgot..." the previously oblivious opossom let out a horrified gasp. "gods! i'm such a horrible daughter!" val's eyes grew wide, seemingly arriving at the same conclusion as her mortified sibling.

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Primrose Valley: The World of the Forest Boy

"our moms and dads, our parents cook our meals, help us with schoolwork, you know, the usual things to take care of a kid." arzure explained. "and they get you presents for your birthday and christmas!" deven grinned.

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A Formal Event

From all their months of study sessions together, knaster knew that reylin was so dedicated to her schoolwork that she studied excessively hard even at the cost of her own wellbeing, let alone her appearance.

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Chapter Four: A Holiday To Remember

"true;" said chrissy, "i only use my emails for schoolwork and stuff, but now i can finally put it to good use." there was an awkward silence between them as they both smiled at each other.

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Pokémon Battle Simulator

Ethan planned on chilling out to some relaxing music, going to sleep, and finishing his schoolwork in the morning. maybe he'd jot down some thoughts about the game before he forgot the details.

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