An Umbreon's Quest Chap 7 Forest Assault

#7 of an umbreon's quest i do not own pokemon, i own the characters. please enjoy. the explosion came from the forest, a zoroark jumped out from the forest. he had the mark 't.a' on his chest.

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War of empires

The native ponies on this planet have offered them a quest to take care of a ill donkey in exchange for gold and a uranium bed. why a uranium bed? no idea. they accepted and took care of the donkey.

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The King's Company: Chapter One: Our Journey Begins!

Kind of a disappointing sight, this tiny nervous wulf was one quest from becoming a king's ranger?

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Thirteen

Now it has been a few moths since his quest first began, and both girls have given themselves to evin in both body and soul, and evin's quest now balances on a knife's edge as his enemies close in around him.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 42

We four are off on a quest!_ _a daring quest!_ _a daring quest of daring-do!_ kiana and layla both tried to get them to shut up, but once lonin's boys got going, it was impossible to get them to stop. _a rescue mission, it is!

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Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter Two

I was the one who was mature enough to stay and help family, instead of run off on some selfish quest for vengeance and satisfaction." "is that right, alexia?"

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Two Tales of Sarah the Falcon

"sarah my dear i've an urgent quest, for it seems an old friend of mine is in a mess." he told her of a dragon of a land afar, and how he'd saved the elder from a fatal scar. thus she discovered this quest was a favor for the grey one's savior.

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Pokémon Journey (pt 1)

Which is to the tune of original pokémon tune from first series) i want to beat the very rest (this line is similar to the first line of the real song) like no one ever has (this line is similar to the original second) to bash them, it's my poké quest

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Encounter at McBeth

He smiled a bit as he realized he had found himself in an interesting situation, and inside, he felt that this could lead into an interesting quest. if not, he found a new way to pass the time.

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Chronicles of Silverhoof - General info

Caprani nomad: this is what claydon thinks of himself... he's on a quest to find his sister and has resolved not to return until he does. dragons: brownclaw, greenscales, skywing and stonescales horses: chestnut, taklit...

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Character Bio #1

Name: garomun gender: male age (according to human age and during and umbreon's quest): 16 birth date: 17 august species: flareon type: fire blood type: ab negative power set: ember, quick attack, flamethrower, fire blast, tackle

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