The ^prince's retainer^ is the most skilled fighter among the forest tribe, and incorporates taunting and a dash of illusion into her style. her devotion to the prince extends further than they may know because he is the father of her only child.
The Dark Forest
"prince letorn!" the prince didn't need to see the rider to identify him; it was targus, the short little chief of the scouts. "what is it, targus?"
Chapter 1: Enter the jackal
He even tried to rob prince john, but i'll doubt he'll ever succeed." "i guess he gives the poor prince a lot of trouble, am i right?" "quite so.
The feeling in the hyena prince's voice moved her. it longed for something far away and still so very near. she felt she understood the words without completely being sure she did.
Kingdoms: Return to Avolon
Volcan noted how the prince said 'us', referring to volcan who already had every right to be there. "speak yer trial, prince lo'raven."
Megaloplis - Truth can be stranger than fiction
Suddenly the room is full of armed and ready ghost warriors, each one scanning the room for threats to the young prince. two start to advance on sandy, seeing her holding the young prince and wondering if she is the threat.
Pitch Episode 14: The Minor
"did you do something to beth," i asked bj as i pushed prince out of the way. "kid we're in the middle of something," prince nagged, but didn't seem to be an issue. "yea finish it later," i said pushing him further away.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 16
It was as if the prince of darkness beckoned and challenged her.
The Crown: Chapter Six
"i suppose it makes sense that if the prince's head was hurting him, he wouldn't care to be around many people," melanie said agreeably, as if ready for a change of subject. "has the prince approached you with any kind of sexual desire, yang-wo?"
Battle of Wits
Very few moments passed before the young lapine prince dropped out of a nearby tree. kvintus' eyes burned with compassion and anger as he made his way over towards the beaver and coyote.
dark angel part 1
, in walked a large demon wolf, his eyes blood red, his fur black as night, and like the prince he had a blood red broken heart on his chest, his was different however, where the prince's was still connected at the bottom, this mans was completely seperated
Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen
"yeah" "for the 3rd prince, pretty easy. he isn't exactly a major target" "how'd you come to be his bodyguard?" "my father is his fathers bodyguard" "so why aren't you guarding the crown prince?"