Battle of Wits

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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Been feeling really down for so long that I just haven't really been finding the right time to write anything out again, despite having the desire to do so. Finally after having these characters in my head for a while I had the strong urge to push it out onto pen and paper and this is what I came up with. If I can keep the characters in my mind I will probably try to write more of this story.

"Well, well, if it isn't a the prince's strategist. What a place to find prey, as if it were to be setting up for an ambush!" A low threatening voice growled into the coyote's ears while a short sword pressed up against his hazel neck. "See, I could kill you right now, but I have been requested to keep you alive, as bait for a very royal target."

Xaiobo gently breathed to keep the blade from causing any further discomfort to his neck. "Someone betrayed up.... told you our plans.... I presume?" The coyote asked as calm as he could, doing everything to control the fear coursing though his mind. The situation looked bleak, but maybe with enough manipulation, he could turn it in his favor.

"There is no need for a response, what happened is already known to you schemer... except by whom," his captor added with a cocky chuckle. As quickly as it had been placed there, the sword moved away from the coyote's neck. Xiaobo made for a short but needed gasp of air, before unceremoniously being knocked to the ground by a swift kick to the back of his knees.

The strategist tried to reach for the dagger he kept hidden under his cloak, but his agile captor grabbed a hold of his wrist and wrenched his arm behind him. Whoever was behind him made quick work wrench the other one behind and tie his arms together. With that distraction out of the way, Xiaobo was hoisted back up to his feet and roughly grabbed by the fur on the back of his neck. "Now, we shall be going for a walk, you will walk for me like a good pup, correct?" The degraded coyote only responded with a weak grunt of compliance. "Good, now lead on back to your camp strategist."

Not more than a few minutes later the coyote were on the outskirts of the camp's location. From his position, he could see many of the places that his allies were hiding to ambush those who had been following them for the past two days. Now wanting to give them up, to whoever this was, Xiaobo attempted to continue past that part of the forest. His captor, however, caught sight of the strategist's quick glance around and let out a disapproving snort. "Do you takes me for an idiot? I know that your camp is here, so you can stop walking. Or did you forget that someone sold you out?"

Xiaobo, let out a deep snarl and instinctively turned his head towards his captor, but to his surprise, found himself face-to-face with the man this time. No longer trying to hide himself, the coyote found himself starting and snarling at a well-dressed beaver wielding a blade probably twice the size of his central incisors. The beaver while having a serious strength to him, looked to have the same lithe body type that the coyote possessed, catching Xiaobo off guard. "So, whatcha gonna do then? Not like you alone are going to give them a reason to give themselves up," The snarl turned into a deep and vicious growl with Xiaobo bearing his teeth towards his captor.

"Simply that, it won't just be me or you for that matter, that forces them out... though I do hope it won't have to come to that," The fancy beaver responded, none too surprisingly. What did catch the coyote off guard was the sudden scratching of the blade against the back of one of his ears. "Now then, Prince Kvintus, I would request to have your audience if that wouldn't be too much to ask of you. Should you accept my offer, I promise that your strategist and other compatriots shall come to no harm. Have we a deal?"

Despite the absolute dread that filled every once of his body, a sudden fit of insane laughter busted from Xiaobo as he strained his neck to look up at his captor. Brought along with the laughter, the coyote wore a wicked grin that made the beaver look down at him in mild confusion of the sudden personality change. At that moment the captured canine twisted himself away for a brief moment before delivering a nasty headbutt to the beaver's nose before yelling out his hidden allies. "Escape from here, I beg of you!"

Taking a moment to recover from the headbutt and wipe the freshly dripping blood from his nose, the beaver simply grabbed his captive by the back of his head before slamming the canine hard enough into the ground to bust open his nose. From there, he pulled the coyote up enough to see that he was still clinging to consciousness before gently setting him back against the ground. "See now, that is something I would have much rather not have done. I do find violence quite detestable, but I see it is something that I must resort to if you are as resilient as he has been. Now young prince, you can try to run if you would like, but should you do that, I will guarantee you that only death will follow," The beaver tapped his tail gently against the ground has he gazed around the forest for signs of movement. "Or you can come out now and speak to me like I originally wished this meeting to be. I will even be kind enough to allow you to check up on your friend's health before our talk. Oh and like I said before, I promise your rag-tag group safety if you do so."

Very few moments passed before the young lapine prince dropped out of a nearby tree. Kvintus' eyes burned with compassion and anger as he made his way over towards the beaver and coyote. The young rabbit knelt down next to his strategist, taking his head into his arms, whispering apologetically. "I am very sorry Xiaobo, I know you'd give your life for me, but that is something that I cannon accept from anyone," the coyote fought though the pain coursing though his skull and just gave his prince a slight nod to signal that he understood where Kvintus was coming from. Seeing that the coyote for the most part was alright, the royal rabbit stood up and glared at the beaver. "I am Prince Kvintus and while it pains me to agree to this meeting, I will not allow you to being harm to any of my soldiers. I accept your conditions and wish to hear what you want to talk about."