Melancholy Hearts: Chapter One
Melancholy Hearts Chapter One He looked at her. With every passing second he felt his heart grow faster in pace, stronger with each beat. The beautiful white fur looked like fresh snow, as inviting as it had been when he was just a child. She was...
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Two
"fuck the speeches! they're trying to brainwash us!" the voice came from the room next to hers. the next thing she heard made her almost throw up. there was a loud bang, followed by a scream. then the thud of a body hitting the floor.
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 10 Sabre's Cometh
Last thing he would want to hear was that she became a sex toy for a mercinary team full of guys. ... meanwhile, in the city, wolf, panther, and leon were sitting on the couch of a cramped up apartment room.
The Tender Heart 3-Reunion
"we were...well, mating, during her second onset heat, and we got too into it. she wanted me to bite her, and, i bit her the wrong way without meaning to.
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 9 Coming Out
The giant doors of the cockpit slided open as Fox went near. The vulpin flew his Arwing inside and landed on the metallic floor inside the Great Fox, turned it off, grabbed the keys, and exited the vehicle. He stretched both of his arms above his head,...
Jock and the Fox: Chapter 1: The Start Of Something New.
"fuck, why do i always park so fricking far away." i said, finally, making it into my car. "note to self, park close to gym next time." i chuckled to myself and started the engine.
Through Darkness - Chapter 2, The Firefight (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)
Pleaaaase go ahead and view this on Wattpad- []( But if you really don't want to do that, leave some feedback on this story if you could-
Through Darkness - Chapter 1, What Remains (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)
"fucking bandits..." jessie nodded slowly, taking a step away from the bodies. taras sighed quietly as he looked further down into the tunnel.
Shelly on World History
Altogether the nineties were a good time of ice cream and sex and computers, and people having sex with dogs, and skiltaires having a lot of sex.
Just Once: Side Stories: Body-Positive
That's when we had sex for three whole fucking hours, because we both went way too long without it.
GBL High: Chapter Six
"and i told you, that i'm fucking sorry about that!" ryan yelled back, "oh! look at that everything's fucking fixed because you're fucking sorry!"
Zombies are Wankers: Long Time No Read
"attention everyone: we're completely fucked!!! a massive-ass zombie horde is on its fucking way here right fucking now, and we have 30 minutes to prepare! everybody who's still asleep wake the fuck up!!!"