The Wolf of Castle Blackpaw: Part I

He wasn't even wearing much; just his old ridding pants, some leather fastened around his feet as makeshift boots, and of course the fur cloak that he had "acquired" days past from the hunter who was fast asleep.

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To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 4

The two quickly made way for alex's makeshift bedroom upstairs. swinging the door open, brian faced something he never faced before.

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The Feeling

Unexpected to my makeshift audience, i open my mouth, letting out the first words of the song in a soft tone. [the wuff was taking it slow with the damn thing.

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Garen's Loss

A young fox named garen stood outside of his makeshift tent, watching the dying embers flare in the wind. this was his third day out in the wilderness, on a hunting trip to bring food home for his family.

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The Warning

Some that was built so that it would never do harm by accident was turned into makeshift bombs. the loss of life... i cannot bring myself to even estimate it. as nothing like our empire has been seen before, neither has anything like its ruin and fall.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 1

I made a makeshift costume (gloves, a hoody with a tiger with wings panted on the front and holes cut in the back for wings and spines, and black jeans {later i made holes in the hood for the ears}), for appearances, of course.

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Much Ado About Bluebottles

The plain below their cliff homes already teemed with the camps of visitors, strange visitors, and their wares already filled the makeshift booths of the bazaar. lili put distance between them as tr'lia's mind wandered from their task.

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The Dominion -- Chapter 1

The soldier props himself up on his rifle (something his trainer would have scolded him for) leaning himself over the smooth surface of a makeshift clay hill used for cover, sliding slowly down towards the encampment.

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Grounded: Ch. 3

He was obviously watching their little makeshift camp, waiting for her to come back into view so he could scare her. this was perfect.

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A Story Never Told - Part 1 - Under the Holy Tree

He was lying on a makeshift bed in his family's living room. his parents tried to calm and help him. three young venkat - his friends - were sitting in a corner sobbing and holding each other.

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In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 4

I was dressed in a brown tattered attire, the sleeves barely clinging to my somewhat bulky arms, a makeshift cloth hood draped over my head to keep the sun out of my eyes, i still hadn't gotten used to everything being so bright.

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mercenaries short 1 - Cat from the Dead

The canine herself practically leaping backwards dropping her makeshift weapon. she could not believe what she was seeing, frozen in place with a look of curious terror on her face. the lion looked at her "!"

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