Merlin's Revenge Chapter 24
She wondered idly if the sacking of rome had gone something like the looting of seattle. she could certainly empathize with those long ago overnight refugees. shelby tripped over a hard chunk of debris hidden within a plastic shopping bag.
Be Careful Where You Take A Rest
Going straight to looting her pack, not reinforcing her bindings, or interrogating her to see if she had any allies nearby. well, there wasn't anyone nearby (thanks tone) but they never confirmed that.
Random Writings: Thank you for blackmailing me
"his part of the loot" was a ruse, because she liked it. perhaps she thought of him as a mirror, or an apprentice, or maybe she projected herself. the lack of private life wasn't a problem either.
Brim Journal Entry 1
From the acidic remnants we found many a collective lootings, to one of which i collected a sword as light as air that brandished itself aflame upon each connecting stroke.
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue III
You notice that taaru's fist is shaking and calmly pull him away from the meeting of cultists, certain that the wizard in red is the one who almost killed you. while fairly sure that the loot you pulled in from the raid remains at the camp site, you know now
Trapped Under The Paw
``it's hell over here, david; people are fleeing their homes, others are looting what they can, while this gigantic beast is on a rampage.
Tower of Troubles: Bats and Belfries
You filling your... pockets with loot..." garn grumbled, the gryphon head twisting to look back at the purple kobold, "i assume... you shall be sharing... what you found later?"
Elder Scrolls Story: Burning the Nest
Falmer never have anything worth looting." "oh, they have a few things sometimes. ooh, a ruby!" he shook his head at serrek.
A Wolf In Flannel Clothing
He wound his way into a town on the edge of a forest some days layer, and, disguised as man in wolfs' skins, had begun selling the various objects his family had picked up other the years of looting little pig's houses, of picking off old women and their grandaughters
The First Meeting - Part 2
Their arrival has also sparked riots in dozens of countries, were there has been reports of looting. but among all this there have been thousands who have rushed the streets with open arms greeting the new comers.
Decontamination Day
Just a few more hours and they could leave the shelter, cleaning up and straightening out the house, taking stock of everything that had been looted, and bracing for yet another day without hope or purpose. darrin put his face to his palm.
I think the alligator might be a lot heavier than it looks, it's like how gold weighs more than it looks, like those coins we looted. it doesn't help that i'm trying to lift its entire skull too, it's not like i can get at its lower jaw."