Care Package
But the budding space scientist didn't bother hauling any of this junk to her personal space. she just dumped it all on the common table to sort through later. replicator! food! now!
Unexpected Ascending
Bunch of gaudy looking junk for the mos...hello? "excuse me?" i reached into the hanging jewelry, pulling out the pendant that caught my eye.
Tails of the Stars 2 - Meet the Team
I was just curious about the people who saved my head from exploding in space and turning into actual space junk. if you can't trust me that's fine. you're not the only one to act weird to me." "huh?
Power of Hate 2: The Pain of Truth
"a junk yard? you're giving up the chance at making something of your life to work in a junkyard? i get it, this is all just a big joke." jaden's mother said, as she started to smile.
Raspberry Line Chapter 7 - The Angry Tiger's Den
Upon the stove and counter-tops were piles of papers, junk and ...more junk. "oh please, don't mind the mess, make yourself comfortable. would you like something to drink?"
Virtually Real Notes: Evolver Chamber Options
It seems that there are people who eat almost nothing and gain weight and others that eat nothing but junk and can't gain a pound. well, welcome to the perfect balance.
Burdens - Chapter 101: Prepare
He grabbed some junk food, some water; perhaps, he thought to himself, he could just hide it among many other items, and then they might overlook it. when it came time to purchase what he needed, he paused once more.
Winter Sorrows
They really were a sweet couple, and they even let her know that they'd just stocked up on food, junk and thensome. however, she returned to the sitting room, and looked at the pictures upon the wall.
Cori Drake: Vampire Hunter
My room is cluttered as usual with junk. however, the windows all have the additional crosses hanging over them and a brand spanking new gun holster hangs on the headboard of my bed. one can not be too careful nowadays.
Death Kiss 4
Than i think thoughtfully if he wants a girl with all that junk, than i guess i am going to change my wardrobe tonight. i put on a low tang top and a push up bra, than i slip my long legs into a thong and put on a mini skirt.
After the Storm - Part 36 DRAFT
I haven't given up on the series, i don't want to give up on the series, but i've just been very busy with school (especially given the fact that i'm not performing well) and stress and all that junk. it's almost over though.
Falling in ... with style Part 1
"no, look, just give me a peice of junk, like this bottle, put it in here and ... fire!" as rick pulled the trigger like a speeding bullet the glass bottle shatters against the wall. "holy crap that was awsome!" "i know!