10. Vomit Comet

"aye, cadet." a crew-woof joined some of the cadets who had clustered around the right main landing gear. he pulled a pen-shaped tire-pressure gauge from his sleeve.


4. Uniforms

"a cadet's first duty is to his pack. this cadet demonstrated two ways to help: first he tried to do it for the other cadet. then he showed him how and talk him through it. that is the preferred way. cadet, never ever do it for him again.


2. Tarkel Stronghold

#8 of woof space cadets timber and timby travel from the wester wood down to tarkel stronghold and the space academy and meet daschiel, the prince of tarkel. copyright © 2015 by timberwoof lupindo not for redistribution.


1. Academy Herald

I'm a space cadet?" "yes, cadet. congratulations." the alien extended a wing, offering his strange fingers to the young woof to shake. timby realized that everyone was watching him.


3. Matricuation

"thank you, cadet," said the admissions officer. "welcome to the academy. next!"


Trained Sight (Otherwise Untitled)

#186 of short stories cadet clip, jackalope in training, gets in some range time. ~ with a sweltering sun above and lingering dust from the previous trials downrange, cadet clip drew in a pensive breath.

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8. Fencing

#14 of woof space cadets swashbuckling anthropomorphic space cadets in space! another key element of the theme falls into place. these guys were, after all, barely out of their 16th or 17th century when they made contact.

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Like Son Part 1 - 2021

One of the female cadets next to him said. and more of the weaker cadets have given in, but they were able to reach above forty push-ups. their cadets beside them volunteered in their place.

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9. Academics

"get your snout out of my tail, cadet," said timby, and deliberately wagged his tail to hit the cadet in the snout with it. the cadet flinched, but bit down a complaint. "oho, good one, timby. he had that coming."

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Furst Strike- Ch. 3: Training (pt. 1)

He turned to the cadets. "what is happening, cadets? that's easy as pie! how the hell are you failing something this simple?

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The Academy - The First Day

This is your first day of cadet basic training." "cbt! the beast!" chanted the older cadets around us.

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A New Dawn

Davis and the two cadets laughed at jet's expression. "i said your training would continue during your stay here, which means that you're going to have learn beside the cadets, as a cadet" davis informed the perplexed collie.

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