Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 44: The Only Thing That Is The End Of The World Is The End Of The World
Raizi and centurion watched as the grey scaled dragon became an inanimate statue. the grey and black bear looked at the blue bear. "analysis?" "the air quality in the immediate area has deteriorated to dangerous levels sir."
Cold-Hearted: Part 9
I was just having a hard time dealing with the fact that an inanimate object gets more attention that i do." "i'm not really talking to him, brian," i sighed, standing up from the couch as he tried to decide where this was going.
Hot Air Balloon Act 2
Shocky- why do i suddenly feel bad for the demise of an inanimated object?" thea questioned. "because dia feels bad about it." "we're even sharing emotions? is that why i feel... 'heated'?"
Even inanimate objects were against me, namely the kerb-mounted car parked closeby, its red roof bleeding into the bottom corner of my frame. this theatre was stunning. perfect. i owed it a picture equally so. "here." "woah, woah!"
Life of My Own
No doubt on inanimate objects rather than live targets." his mane started to raise again when the dinosaur started to raise up, towering over him with her golden form. "did you sell them?" "...i don't know." "...not illegally, anyway.
It sets my mind to wander...
Listless and bereft of purpose, we ambled along like zombies -- the living version of all those factories in the old heartland, full of potential but completely inanimate.
North and South Chapter 12: Castle Trap
"how does a structure go from inanimate to sentient? it's impossible!!" "let's figure that out later! right now we need to get out of here before we get buried!" lashanne urged. "agreed. let's go! move!"
Latex Lore Chapter 1: The Inflation Begins
It was a little awkward to see an inanimate object commanding a human like me, but even impossible things can come true. i nodded towards it and waited for it to give me my orders. it was like it had some kind of hold on me that i couldn't break.
Storm Caller
Sadly, the inanimate object did not deign to speak its secrets to her and she was forced to find them out herself. carefully, stormy lifted a claw tip up and extended it out tenderly towards the usb charging port.
The Family Vulpes Chp3
The large grey wolf continued. " i'm about as attracted to y'all some sorta inanimate object..." the wolf gestured a trembling paw at nothing in particular. "like bein' attracted to a woolly sweater er' somethin'."
Sands of the West Chapter 4: Crossing Paths
"normally when i levitate i can only do myself -maybe a small inanimate object with me," she said. "but if i use this last power booster emera i have, maybe i can carry all three of us up."
Grasping the plastic stopper in-between her teeth one more time, she gave it one last blow, injecting the heart and soul of skyle into it, bringing life into the "inanimate" object. she then plugged it and pushed the stopper into the back of his neck.