To Chase a Rabbit: Tragic Ending
_ with a small fire ignited in his soul, he begins to draft a plan for city improvement to submit to his boss, who sent him on this short trip to the so called "bad part of town."
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 15-Back In Time
The heat coming of of adelind's body had warmed me up just enough for me to spark and ignite my own fire,thus warming me back up. adelind moved a little closer. "you know",she said,"i think your kind a cute."
Shadow and Blaze
Shadow smirked as he pressed a button which ignited a turbo engine but not fast enough to scare blaze cause he cares about her safety. then the rx7 zooms into the mall parking lot. **blaze p.o.v** **wow! he is an excellent driver.
Rise of Evil: Chapter 1
The axes igniting flames anywhere they hit as it scrapes the ground rapidly approaching maxius. shadow feels the carriage jolt as it starts to move quickly towards the village, with shadow crying out for his uncle along the way.
Iron Collar - Ch1
The flask burst against the younger sister's tail, igniting it instantly, along with her dearest sister. in the cave, the younger sister put out the flames upon her tail with large amounts of loose dirt that had been pushed back from all the digging.
12. My New Life-9-3
I glance left and right at my siblings and receive their subtle nods in confirmation to my intension; we stealthily draw our lightsabers but not ignite them, ready for anything.
max and Luke Ch:3
That statement was enough to ignite lucarios fire within. his eyes grew even redder and his aura cloud surrounded him. the alternating black, blue, and purple looked like a dark fire. jessie just laughed.
From the desk of the General. Mission 7: Doubt Squad
You _know_ the flamethrower will self-ignite if you use it." "i... i... yeah. yeah, i know about dat. course i do. everybody knows dat."
A College Life Chapter 1 Part 4
Drake puts the key in the ignition and turns on the car. they turn onto the road and find that traffic is terrible because the traffic light at the corner is turned off.) "oops i must have knocked out the power to the whole city." said devin.
The Dying Stars
I had no other way to maneuver out of the gravitron field, short of igniting the secondary thrusters. the entire ship was already on life support before they gave it to me.
He took his keys out of the ignition and kicked the car door open with his overly sized boots as was his habit of late, both hands went above the doors frame and pulled himself out of his car, he gave a stretch, then reached behind his seat and pulled out
Starfinder Story Preview
I decided that rather than constantly wait to figure that out that i'd just write a random rough draft of a scene i had in mind for it just to get something down and see if i can get a spark to ignite somewhere.