Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 8
#9 of half-wolf pokemon adventure _unknown ambush_ (junior's pov) the warm feeling of typhlosion's cream fur was very satisfying. it was a pleasurable mixture of being both warm and fuzzy.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 7
But it was half locked. _why is the door only half locked? is junior ok?_ i opened the door slightly to at least be considerate of his feelings. "fluffy? are you decent?" i asked, hiding behind the door. nothing, he didn't respond.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 5
(viola's pov) the half wolf suddenly changed his personality. i thought he would've denied the battle since he was shy, but he seemed gutsy.
Fur and Feather
The half horse, half unicorn understood most speech, but gave it wide berth lest it soil his ears. heck, the one sole time ole amos had been in washington d.c., worthless had suffered a headache of epic proportions.
Star Hopper Chapter 13
He pulled his rifle from the half-breed's head. "come on, let's check up-stairs." the half-breed smirked, but didn't say anything.
Blood Red: Chapter Nine: Old Faces (part 3)
By this time, the feral had already reacted and dropped his right claw to the ground, only to bring it up to swipe at elle, barely catching the length of chain on his claws and dragging elle's body along with it, almost throwing her half a dozen metres before
Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war
He, spyro and the elders had all built an add on to the temple when cynder announced that she was expecting, they had finished building it half a week before cynder had laid her eggs, then a week later they were hatched.
The Falling Vanished
Then came the second pair of swords, held tightly by the dreetle's bottom set of limbs, these other arms sized just an inch shorter than his upper half, but equally strong and dexterous.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 10
The half sun half moon mark was indeed similar to the two floor marks. the pink pokemon glanced at the wolf's paw then at the markings. "guess you're the one..." "junior's the one?" zoroark inquired.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 31
His eyes closed as he focused upon the feisty half-elf woman, sensing the rapidness of her heart, the unease in her gut, the careful steps as she traversed _his_halls, she was moving, but where?
Chapter 2- The Half-Way Transformation
He was indeed a pokemon; or rather he was a half-pokemon, at least for the moment.
My Glass Is Forever Half-Empty
To be honest sometimes I wonder why I try all I want to do is finally break down and cry is it that I keep letting what's left of my pride get in my way or is there something else the keeps my mind stuck on that day all the alcohol in the world...