Thanks Jose: A coming out Tale

With my only point of reference being news clips of gay pride parades and stereotypical media rolls, i was afraid that just admitting i was gay would make people think of me as some flamboyant fairy, no offense to anyone who is a flamboyant fairy, that's just

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A wolf's first love Part 3: A Date?

Mean that he probably wasn't gay or interested and will would just have to make himself content with being jake's friend.

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Inferno High - Chapter 25

I can't believe you'd rather be a fag than give your parents grandchildren." [alex's dad] "actually, i wouldn't, but being gay's a lot more fun. there's more ways to do it." "god, did you really have to say that?"

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Identity: Chapter Nine

"if we go with the theory that this is a hate crime; that these two were targeted specifically because they were gay-" she paused. "maybe the killer just started researching gay athletes.

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Homemade, My Sweet

"mm ... keep saying that." "what?" his eyes widened. "keep saying it." "adelaide, stop it," he objected, lightly, with his effeminate-leaning voice. which only fueled the bat's mood. "mm. field ... " " ... what ... h-hey.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 23: A Gentle Touch

I know i'm gay... a-and it was... comforting when i met you. you knew you're gay and you're so open about it. then i think to myself, if you can, then i can.

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The thanksgiving tradgedy(Chapter 8)

"so, uh, how did you cope with having a gay son?" the atmosphere suddenly dropped to the temperature of ice. "excuse me?" ron asked. "your son, gideon, he's gay, how did you cope with it?" stacy asked.

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Distress Calls

Corn muffins, blueberry, apple-cinnamon ... mm ... muffins," he went. "even mouse muffins?" "mouse muffins? mm ... never made those," he said playfully. "mm ... but, uh, i should make a big breakfast in the mess hall one day."

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Pride Podcast

"oh gross, gays even though we're all gays here!" carl said. "eh, i still like the titties if you're going to be pedantic" sydney said, "chase does to, don't think i didn't look at your browser history.

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The Missu story part 1

A fag walking around in there high school had never happened before. yet now one of the normal furrys was walking around whit his head high in the most gay clothes he could ever have on.

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All These Feelings. Part Four.

Is there really anything wrong with being gay? i don't think i would mind if i was gay. what would other people think though? well if davi accepted me, it wouldn't really matter. is davi gay?

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My Friend Aaron

Aaron is gay. aaron likes men. no matter what, aaron will never stop being my friend. and i love him.

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