Risen Twon Fair Chapt.3

We have orders to clear out the fair grounds so that the committee can set up for tommorrow's events."

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Chapter 3

--- zhaneel kept her head down, as she recalled the events of that day. it had started like most did in the winter. the pave-paws radar operators changed shifts as she finished her breakfast.

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Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta

A) if in the event that the being complaining has gone through a traumatic event, such as having cancer or becoming paralyzed, you are allowed to have sympathy for them so long as unhealthy habits or other controllable events did not

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Watch Your Words - Anthro Rabbit TF

"well i am the one who is running this event, so of course i'm going to be around... but hrm... are you the only person here?" the voice questioned her. "i hope that's not the case, this is going to be a pretty boring event otherwise!"

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Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

This is a naturally occurring wavelength associated with meteorological events. despite the mild cloud cover there were several discharges at this site.

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Bonds of Love (Epilogue)

And how some events came to be epilogue "master, you have a video call from betty of black raven."

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Awakening Prologue

A catalyst is one of the furs that was changed during the events of the great flash. what is this you ask. well, it wasn't a light, it was more like darkness that enveloped the world for a day.

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*POEM* And Suddenly

Otherwise i'll read it in one flowing, coherent text ( if i should ever care to read my own poems) i live my life in between sentences it sounds cool and edgy, i know but it's the truth nonetheless between two sentences you can experience important events

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ULEMI: Urgent Weapons Update

* * * feline juvenile penal code fjpc § 20.2(a) in the event an officer of the peace brings into custody a juvenile under the age of 16. (1) the juvenile in question shall be (i) presumed guilty until innocent and treated as such.

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Preview: Sins of the Angels

The events of my past are too horrible to speak of at this time. because of the affore mentioned events, i pushed to join an elite group of warriors. upon joining this group, i was subjected to multiple rigorous tasks to prove my worth. so it was done.

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Research Log [#011]

I visited 372 in his detention cell earlier, telling him about these events. he stayed quiet, only responding if asked direct questions. after asking what was wrong, he simply told me to keep clear of any events that may or may not be dangerous.

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Legendary Games

\*our first event,\* mew said. \*will be an underwater obstacle course!\* manaphy looked delighted, but the lake trio seemed less excited.