Oblivion RP entry.

It is difficult, and can take a long time to train one's mind to actually take in and remember every detail. "another thing," she continued, "is that enchanting draws energy directly from the enchanter.

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Digimon: Destiny? - Chapter 2

#3 of [digimon] crystal destiny robbie wasn't paying any attention to the details around him until leomon suddenly stopped, and he bumped into the lion's strong muscular back.

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Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others

So the advantage of 'telling' is that you can summarize details that slow things down too much, preventing your story getting bogged down in unnecessary detail.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.1

Mechrat's eyes glazed over, an expression tanya recognized as a sign he was accessing his brain-computer interface implant, presumably so he could look at it in greater detail than on the screen. brom tapped the screen.

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The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1

I will, again, go into more details in the proper sections. now, as we resemble both men and canines, what is the difference? that is, what is the physical representations?

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From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 7: The Worst Three Weeks Ever

They both sat down and sarah gave out all of the details.

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You Don't Need To Understand

You don't need to understand every detail of a person's life to show them the respect that they deserve.

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The House on Rainbow Road - 03 - Molly

A slight gasp emitted from her when she turned and witnessed one impressively detailed statue on the far side of the room. surrounded by a collection of smaller statues, was a ruggedly carved statue of a man with demon-horns and bat-wings.

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Vor-tual Reality

Just as he was thinking over the details, the sound of the doorbell rang through the house, indicating the arrival of his package.

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

Her conversations with him, while limited in detail, and questionable in accuracy, helped solidify her disguise in town, and were probably the highlight of his week.

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Dangerous Business Ch. 1 (Revised)

Each one detailed what it was mal was stealing, and where it was being kept. all it did was make him think the whole thing was crazy, but it was impossible for him to back out. all mal could do was prepare his plans.

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Prouloge: A Quaint Beginning

Usually she would be more than willing to explain what she had in store with great detail.

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