Through the Horizon: Part 1--Secret Meetings and Private Revelations

There were four ships in the convoy, with three being armored attack vessels. the largest ship was the royal vessel.

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The Lion

The 4th fleet diverted to rescue a convoy under attack in the deshal. that put seven more ships out of action. i'd love to catch up with you in person, captain, but we may not get the chance before battle."

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Fish in the Clouds

By the time fish galloped into the farm from some far off exploration glyn had most of the convoy parked in the paddock. all sorts of ponies were milling about and some had started to dig a fire pit in the middle.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 2-Genesis

"coming on the convoy now",hudson said. i looked out the side of the helicopter and saw a large, old looking fishing barge accompanied by several gunboats. "the barge matches dakarai's intel!",issac shouted,"wyatt is probably on broad!"

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

That or a whole convoy of... my vulpine instincts flared. "everyone, into the bunker now!" my troops ambled into the bunker without question; they knew that whenever the "old dog" gave an order, you'd better obey it fast.

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Blaze of Glory Chapter 1

The rest of its convoy had continued unaware of their absence, and it would be a good few hours until the sensor suites on the other craft noted a change in their wake resulting from the loss of the massive vessel.

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In the capital city, close to where the meeting was to be held, lucario nodded to his agent, the man dressed in the suit and tie, red, of course, of the keidolifyan ambassador, a convoy of cars set up, though they were a decoy for the real ambassador, who

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 13-Crash

"coming on the convoy now", hudson said. "the barge matches dakarai's intel", issac said, "wyatt's gotta be inside!" "we gotta get close!"

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 10: the Endless Road

#10 of the great prophet of zao a convoy of animals marches along a road surrounded by an endless forest. running from the destruction of their city they find a place to rest their weakened bodies and tormented souls.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 30

They travelled by a convoy of cars, heavily guarded like a nation's leader, to the door to a reception area.

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Chapter 10: Death Comes To All

You saw how she held off the ferren convoy! we could use her!" lila scratched her chin, deep in thought then replied. "you know don, he might be on to something." "you too lila!?" "she's a better shot than all of us.

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MAGI: Chapter 04 - Reveal

She jerked the wheel to the side, forcing their suv to overtake the slower convoy vehicles ahead of them. this had a domino effect, mirrored by the slower vehicles that were now out of line and trying to keep pace with them.

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