kiss of the dragon part 4
Them up to very high points he then played a card that david hated he play a dragon monster card, that cannot be destroyed by battle.
It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.1
In domino city's duel monster's card shop........
52 Pickup: Prologue
"a gift with the cards requires a gift of the cards... and to use the cards, you must be the cards. those cares, in that box, are you... an' you have to give them all away."
Tying up loose ends
As the other two cards appeared eric singled out the card that would mean thirteen points.
Digimon Darkness Chapter 7
Where are your digimon cards? wyatt: under my bed, in a shoe box. why? terriermon jumps down and pulls the box from under my bed. then started frantically searching through the cards. terriermon: ah-ha! terriermon stood up holding two cards.
Digimon Darkness Chapter 10
I had ran all the way sown to the convieniant store and bought a pack of digimon cards as soon as i ripped them open the first card in the pack was black portal! wait? if black portal was a card then does that make the dark king a human?.....nah.
Chapter 26: Arena Patrol - Part 2.
My guess that he used a card." angewomon answered. "so, we are going to use the cards." "what cards?" shadowwolf asked. "it's a trading card game called digimon card that some kids played during lunch break." al answered.
The Growing Luck Casino
As she turned to leave the casino, she slipped on a playing card that had been left on the floor, a card that had tom's signature in the lower corner.
Fourth Man Left Outside
"ok, we're supposed to go along the roads and draw cards, so the cards must be, you know..." he waved down one of the roads, impossible to tell which direction it was. "and how do we tell which are the good cards? what hands are we trying to do?
Latias and Latios Ep.2 (part one)
He found two legendary cards, and they shine in the sunlight. adam put them in his deck while putting two other cards from his original deck into his backup deck. he can't wait to try them out. who to show them to first...
Exceed, Part One
"ok, i draw, and on the field i put down a face down card, and end my turn.", quant said as a face down card appeared out of thin air. "ok, i draw, and now i detach one overlay unit, to activate bahamut shark's ability.
Decrpypting a Fox
However, there was a card slot for maintenance personnel that would disable the alarm. richard had a number of cards from various maintenance companies. it was only a matter of picking the right one.