The Hunt

But he saw the pregnant valkantaa deftly leap up onto the boulder she had hidden behind, waving her spear at the second buck, screaming curses to scare the buck back on course.

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First Sight...

The vampire took his claws like knives and began to skin the buck. he worked with great dexterity and quickly. it wasn't more then a few minutes that the buck's body was naked of it's skin.

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The Pack

buck a little scared of them stepped back then stopped remembering a story about this pack and how his family long ago look and smiled as the wind blew again and they where gone

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The Vixen 2: The Exchange

With that, she began walking towards the cat and her unlucky buck, failing to resist the temptation to shoot him a little wink.

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battle of the fandoms ep 4

As we did see there was so many apple trees she bucking that we try to get her attention when she fell asleep twilight woke her up as applejack said hi us twilight ask about all the apples and she told her is apple buck session hmm so u need buck all theses

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The Cat's Stroll 30

**chapter 30: i'll continue** * * * "he has extraordinary reflexes," the black buck silently informed his master. as a bodyguard, this buck's ability to analyze the opponent was admirably sharp.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 31

He shouted over the insane ramblings of the buck. the sound of the rumble got louder as the buck answered. "it's over that way, they shall find you with their patrols and imprison you."

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Kage's Camping Trip 4

The buck only nodded twice, the doe on the lower part of the hill caught kage's scent but didn't flee with the fawn because it recognized the scent of the buck with him as her mate.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 38

He walked up to where he was and placed his paw on the buck's neck, pressing it down. "as for you, you dare to attack your chief!"

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Getting Prepared

Arden had tried to teach him how to act, but it was always in jest and for fun for the buck. something to give bryce an excuse to be on set where he might not be welcome otherwise.

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Path of our Fate...Story version...

When the buck turned its head to look at the rest of the herd the vulpine struck.

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He looked anxiously into lyal's eyes, saw the buck nod and take hold of his sister's paw again.

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