The Vixen 2: The Exchange

Story by JacktheRabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of The Vixen Arc

Both parties return as promised, ready to make the exchange.

Written by myself, Pseduo, and Tabatha_Cat. Takes place the same Jaabir/Lichthia RP-world from my gallery. Paige is played and owned by Pseudo. Jack belongs to me. And Tabatha is played and owned by Tabatha_Cat.

Much as the vixen wanted to, she avoiding nuzzling the fuzzy bundle in her arms as they approached. It probably wouldn't be such a nice gesture from a lapine point of view, and besides she really ought to not be teasing herself with the taste (though even that divine smell was quite something...). She settled on ear-scritchings, with the occasional little stroke of his head-fur.

The little lapine would bury himself against his 'captor', head lowered. He was feeling calmer now. . . no longer a trembling ball of fur as when first captured. Oddly, the vixen had been rather gentle with him these last several hours, reassuring even. He didn't know what to make of it, but it seemed. . . sincere. He believed he was really going to be safe now. Tabatha was going to come back for him, and he could see all his friends just as before. There were doubts, but steadily his hope had been growing. Not to say he was completely at ease either, the rabbit still shaken. . . submissive and a little nervous. He didn't even really feel comfortable in the vixen's hold, or even pressing against her fur. . . but it did make him feel better to 'hide', at least a little, in her embrace. At her scratches and pets, he'd raise his head lightly, eye-half shut. . . those helped too.

"Okay Jack," She murmured softly. She had been saying mostly comforting things, avoiding subjects he might find unsettling, but now she had no choice but to bring up one which might be a bit distressing. "Now I could hand you over to Tabatha, but- well- you know there's going to be another rabbit there, don't you?" She paused a moment to let the little fellow in her arms reason out the meaning of that "So I think it would be a lot less... unpleasant for you if we put you back in the hole, so you don't have to see anything. And you should cover your ears, so you don't hear anything. You'll only be in there a short time and then you'll feel Tabatha reach in to take you out." Another pause, again to give her words time to percolate. By now, they were at the hole in question, and she stood over it, still petting him gently "Is that okay with you, Jack? Is that what you want to do?"

He'd look blink slow at her words and raise his muzzle, eyes not quite locking with her own. His head began to tilt, and he'd stare to her with his soft brown eyes. . . still just a little glassy. The rabbit regarded her for a moment, and lowered his head, nodding very slow. "Y-yes. . ." It was something he tried very hard not to think about. Tabatha was bringing another prey, a prey just like him, and. . . this fox was going to eat them instead. Jack certainly didn't want anyone hurt, and if the choice was left to him, he wasn't sure what he'd say. Thankfully the cat took it out of his control. Still it was upsetting, seeing it all to be his own fault. Even not regarding the other creature's life, Tabatha was having exert effort in saving him. . . hunting for this vixen. Jack would frown, though would focus some as Paige continued. Her suggestion was a comforting one. . . that he could just hide from what was coming, pretend it wasn't happening. When they came to a stop, he'd look down to that familiar little hole. It had saved him, gave him safety until Tabatha had arrived. But at the same time. . . it was just a little frightening, the fox having tried to bury him inside to force him out. He'd sigh, and nod. "O-ok. . . I. . . y-yes. . ." He'd lay there in her arms, head now turning up to her. "Y-you won't b-bury me again. . . will you?" he'd ask softly, hesitantly.

Despite the bad associations the rabbit would have with fox mouths, Paige just couldn't help but place a little kiss on top of his head at that adorable question. Erf, if this little guy kept being such a sweet little thing she really might go wrestle a python just to wrap her jaws around him! The mental image made her smile a little in amusement to herself, but she quickly suppressed it. "No of course not, you sweet thing. And Tabatha will be here soon so if you get really scared for any reason, you could always poke your head out. She wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." Another little ear-scritch punctuated that, as she squatted down to get ready to feed him into the hole. "But Jack, you really shouldn't do that unless you absolutely have to. I don't know how long it'll be before Tabatha's here. It should be soon, but even if it feels like a long time down there, don't be tempted to peek or uncover your ears, because... well." She let that trail off. This rabbit's imagination for the unpleasant seemed pretty well developed, it would probably be most effective to let him fill in that gap.

The rabbit would wince just a little reflexively at that kiss, but would calm soon enough. Her answer would relax him further. She told him that she lies. . . but hearing the truth he wanted was still a comfort. And. . . it all made sense. Why she bring him back here if she wasn't going to give him to Tabatha? He couldn't reason it. That and. .. putting him back in the hole would be counterproductive to eating him just the same, even if she could scare him out of it again as before. "O-ok. . ." he'd whisper, leaning his head in at that final scratch. He'd take in her suggestions, and his soft brown eyes went just a little wide. . . suggesting he certainly was able to fill in those gaps. Hearing a squealing and crying bunny, one that was in their position because of him, no. . . he didn't want to hear that at all. The other rabbits nearby, were always mean to him, wouldn't let him into their warrens, bit at him because he was different. Still. . . he would never want a single one to be hurt.

"Now, be brave bunny, and you'll be safe with Tabatha soon." She murmured, gently placing him down into the hole. Straightening up, she took a couple of deep breaths, centring herself and focussing her mind on the ambient scents. With Jack in her arms, it had been easy to occupy her mind with the sensations of snuggling and comforting him, but now, feeling alone once more, she knew that all she had was an empty stomach and a deal which was going to leave her with a Jack-shaped longing for a long time. She sighed slightly, eyes and nose both working to catch any early signs of the cat.

The rabbit would settle himself inside, peering around. Everything looked just as before. . . a bit of gravel coating the bottom to remind him what had happened, provoking a bit of a shiver. Paige's final words to him helped ease the tension. Tabatha would come soon, he reminded himself, he. . . he really would be ok. He'd sigh, and take a breath. . . moving himself back to the edge of the 'burrow', where he felt safest. His body turned to face the hole's entrance, and he'd lower his fuzzy head, little paws placed firm along the base of his ears.

A large bundle wrapped in a sheet cradled in her arms, Tabatha would walk swiftly through the woods, a look of purpose in her eye and he rmanner.Her burden, a substantial rabbit buck, was bound and gagged in her arms. The cat had an annoyed look on her face; she didn't like treating prey in such a fashion, but she didn't want him making any noises that would frighten Jack. Even the sheet was intended to keep the unfortunate buck' s smell out of her clothes.

Arriving on the agreed upon spot, the cat would see the fox and halt. She'd feel a moment of misgiving when she didn't see the rabbit. Not for Jack's sake of course! She didn't care about him. . ..he was only prey, or so she told herself. but it would certainly be a blow to her feline dignity to be tricked by a canine. Still, the fox didn't appear to have eaten recently, and Jack was a large enough rabbit she should have been able to see.

She'd kneel down and place her bundle on the earth, lifting the sheet so Paige could see the wide eyed face of a terrified buck. "Where is he?" Tabatha would ask, giving no other words of greeting, as she peered at the hole in the ground.

Sometimes it was hard being a vixen, and almost as soon as she spotted Tabatha, the fox became intensely aware of the feeling of gravel under her feet. Some terrible, counterproductive mischievous streak in her suddenly wanted more than anything else to just swipe her foot to the side and kick it in onto Jack. Imagine the chaos! As soon as that wild thought entered her head, every moment of the cat's approach seemed terribly drawn out, and by the time she was near, Paige was swivelling one foot back and forth on the gravel, a dreamy smile on her face at the feeling it made under her sole.

She raised a hand in greeting as Tabatha neared, giving a wide, friendly smile. Her whole body language oozed 'no hard feelings, right?', though she didn't say anything until Tabatha's rather curt question. "Ah, he's down there." She nodded her head down at the hole "I didn't want him to have to see this, I think he was really unhappy about the idea." Then her eyes fixed on the other rabbit, and she tilted her friend, giving him a slightly less friendly, and slightly more mischievous smile. "And hello there you too." She stuck her tongue out just a little, but then her eyes darted up to meet Tabatha's expression, and she took on a slightly more businesslike stance. Tabatha might have noticed that something about the vixen's manner seemed rather furtive, though perhaps given this strange deal, some nervousness was understandable.

The buck in the cat's arms, was more than terrified of recent events. He had just came from the lake, taking in a drink and heading to his colony and mate-to-be. He never even saw the feline coming. Now he could barely move, couldn't speak, and had this strange thing covering him. Was she going to eat him? What was happening?! He'd search all around and settle his wide blue eyes on that vixen. The hell?! What was this?! His breaths would grow heavy at the her greeting, muscles stiffening. His leg tried hard to kick out, head turning in effort to bite. Nothing seemed to work. . . between the cat's hold and his bindings. "Ummmm-ummmmmm. . . "

The cat would pay the buck no mind as she set him down. He was not, after all, her prey. Her expression would soften at the mention of the rabbit. "Well that's decent of you," she'd admit in a soft voice. She'd turn her head down to the rabbit. "I really just want to Jack home. Do you need me to cut any of this one's bonds before I go?" As she spoke, she didn't acknowledge the rabbit as a person at all.

Paige didn't really acknowledge the compliment other than the slightest bow of her head. She hadn't been entirely sure whether Tabatha would trust that the rabbit was there, but in her mind it was win-win. After all, if Tabatha had mistrusted her, it wouldn't have been vindicated, and in the vixen's experience that sort of thing could often leave even more of an impression of trustworthiness in the long term. "Oh, uh, no, that's okay." She said, smiling sweetly "I'm pretty hungry now, I don't want to... y'know, risk anything." Her expression became a little more playful "I think Jack may have spoilt me as far as amenable prey goes."

With that, she began walking towards the cat and her unlucky buck, failing to resist the temptation to shoot him a little wink. "I've got Jack with his hands over his ears down there so he doesn't have to hear either, but he's expecting you to pick him right up, so don't worry about scaring him. I suppose you should probably wait until this little fellow and I are out of earshot first, though"

The buck, having been set the ground, looked up to the vixen. He couldn't quite look behind. . . but something told him in the pit of his stomach, the cat wasn't the actual threat, not anymore. His ears visibly rose at the word, 'hungry'. Was he some sort of present?! Shit. Shit. Shit. The lapine would see her approach and grow more and more uneasy, squirming pitifully along the ground. Shit! Shit! Shit! He saw that 'wink'. It did not help. It did not help at all! "UMMMMMMMMMMMM!"

Tabatha would not likely be having any warm feelings towards the fox for a while, but her remarks regarding Jack would at least help. "Yes. . . . .that would be best. . .." she'd reply softly. She'd place a set of claws a the rabbit's throat. "Quiet!" she'd hiss. Pausing a moment to make sure that was understood, she'd give a polite nod to the fox. "Do enjoy your dinner," she'd say with a polite nod, getting up and walking to the hole. Of course the thought had crossed her mind this could be an elaborate trick, the fox laughing at her as she carried off her prize while she sat beside an empty hole. But there would be one flaw in such a plan, or at least the feline supposed; if the fox broke her word, the cat would no longer be bound by her principles, and she'd feel quite at liberty to hunt her down and slice her to ribbons.

That sting of sharp claws along his flesh, the buck would quickly silence his moans of dispair. His eyes shut, breathing more and more exaggerated. He'd give a quick jerk, and a low soft whimper, hearing himself pronounced as nothing more than a piece of meat.

Huh, the feline really was going to trust her! Interesting, that was one to file away for later. For just a moment it made the vixen regret that Jack really was where she claimed, but despite her slightly different assessment of the risks involved, she would have been the first one to admit this wouldn't have been a good ploy. Too messy, not well enough thought through. And she still had all these interesting people to meet. She would also need to gauge the cat a bit better before burning any bridges. She hadn't changed her assessment from earlier, that she was one of these predators who wove a web of "principle" to justify their predation to themselves, and following on from that her best guess would be that the cat wouldn't ever seriously hurt or endanger her, simply because she wasn't prey. Still, that could well be wrong, and that question too was tucked away in the back of her mind.

The rest of her mind, on the other hand, was occupied with this delicious, distressed buck she was about to end. Ooh, finally those urges she'd locked away while she was with Jack could be set free again! Even through his coverings, she tried to eye the curves of his meat. And as all those predatory feelings rushed to the surface again, she couldn't help some of them bubbling out in the form of a little cruelty. "Yes, shush." She agreed, as she leant down to take him in her arms, holding him not dissimilar to how she had cradled Jack. "There's a very sweet little rabbit nearby and if you keep yelling it might distress him." She gave him a little kiss on the top of the head, differing from the one she'd given Jack only in that she didn't make any effort to keep his teeth out of it. Right now, she was quite certain that if a cat, mouse, python and, hey, why not a wolf and a bear while we're at it, had all turned up and tried to get her to release her grip on this buck, they'd find her quite impossible to persuade.

Being lifted, the wild buck would stare to her, his expression a cross between terror and complete bewilderment. Why the hell should he care about some other rabbit being 'distressed'? Why was their peace of mind more important than his life? And. . . was the other rabbit going to go free? Is that was this was?! He was some sort of replacement?! That wasn't fair at all! If he could speak past the binding, he would tell her to eat the other one and let him go. Instead all he could do was tremble, and grit his teeth. He'd tense hard and cringe sharply, as the vixen's 'kiss'.

As she picked up the rabbit, she turned away from Tabatha, as if to make her way back to her den, but after a moment she turned back. "Um, Tabatha, thank you." She said, inclining her head again. "And I'm, er, sorry. About before. I really don't think it was too bad for Jack, he mostly slept."

The cat would look a little surprised at that. She'd bow her head at that. "Well thank you," she'd answer, "for making a deal for Jack." The words weren't easy for her to say, deep in her being, she thought of Jack as hers. But try as she might, she couldn't deny the fox didn't have to give up her prize, not according to the cat's very own principles.

"Well," Paige replied, her smile becoming a little playful once more, "You're very persuasive." Her eyes darted to the hole again for just a moment and then back, and for just an instant a wistful look passed over them. "But yes, I should really go have dinner-" She gave her rabbit a particularly insistent little pet at that word "And, well, you may not still want to hunt with me any time, but perhaps you could let me know where I can find you? You could introduce me to this python friend of yours. After all," her grin widened "It would be a terrible shame if I did him this favour, then he gobbled me up without us recognising each other." She let her tongue protrude just a little from between her teeth, seeming more like she was joking around than considering that a real risk.

The rabbit couldn't believe what he was hearing. He really was a replacement! He was angry. Whatever stupid rabbit got itself caught was going to cost him his life. It was their fault! And why would the cat even care?! He couldn't get past that line of insanity, to even consider why they were talking about a snake. Even that burning thought would silence, soon giving way to fear. She was going to eat him! He couldn't get away! He was too afraid to protest with any moans, and so, could only whimper softly as before, eyes shutting.

"Jaabir?" Seh'd nod. "I'd be happy too. Though I don't know he'd hunt a fox." She'd frown at the thought. She wasn't really sure what Jaabir would hunt or wouldn't, but it uncomfortable to consider it. "And as for hunting, we'll see, I'm not one to hold a grudge, and you did let Jack go."She'd give a wistful look at the hole. "One can't have too many friends." The rabbits whimpers would go unremarked upon, he might as well have been a head of cabbage for all she cared. Looking up at the fox, she'd add, "I generally hunt early at dawn. Around hear or north of the lake, or the valley between the hills with all the birds. I'm sure we'll run into each other soon enough.

Paige gave a grateful nod at that. It was a little irritating to have to leave it up to chance, but Tabatha was probably right, they'd run into each other at some point. "Okay. Perhaps I'll skulk around there a little." She thought for a moment of giving some vague indication of where her den was, but then decided that probably wasn't a good idea, just now. "And you're right about friends. I'm sure Jack would agree with you there too." Her eyes sparkled in amusement, and with that and a wave of her tail, she was suddenly off, moving swiftly even with the terrified bundle in her arms. She set off at roughly a right angle to the actual direction of her den, deciding she'd rather circle around than go directly.

The cat nodded. "I'll do the same," she'd offer. So it appeared the two had a date of sorts. As the fox began to set off, the cat would look up. "Oh, Paige. .. ." she'd call out. There was no menace in her voice, it sounded more like there was something she'd forgotten. "There's something you should know. . . " she'd offer.

Paige's mind was just beginning to turn to her new bunny, and whether to prolong her hunger any longer to enjoy herself, or just gobble him down as soon as they were back at her den. Tabatha's voice quickly shattered that. For the briefest moment, the fur of her tail bristled as though she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't, though for once that wasn't the case. "Yes?" She said, turning back to the feline.

The cat was oddly hesitant, almost as though the topic embarrassed her. "Please don't take this the wrong way," she'd say, head bowed. "This isn't meant as a threat." She'd swallow. "There's a mouse. . .Lichthia. . . .Jack probably told you about her, she's a white doe, easy to recognize, she's rather plump, and she wears robes and carries a large stick." That ought to be clear, does were unusual in the wild as their colonies usually kept them home and safe, plump does that wandered in the open were even rarer, and the this one was the only one who carried a 'stick' she knew of.

Paige relaxed again. Ah, something else about this bizarre group. Well, this ought to be interesting at least. She couldn't help a little amusement flickering over her face at the comment about a threat- was Tabatha even aware how much her earlier mentions of a python had sounded like a threat? "Yes," She answered "He mentioned her. Not the stick, though. Why?" She had a feeling she already at least partially knew the answer to that, but would rather have the cat spell it out. She gently stroked two fingers along the back of one of the rabbit's ears, hoping he was listening to all of this.

The rabbit buck in Paige's paws was getting anxious. By now he expected to be torn apart by the vixen's teeth. Not that he minded the delay. No, delay meant more time. It meant he was still 'alive'. And if he was still alive. . . maybe he could get free, maybe she would drop him and those bindings would fall off. He could run home. He could get to his colony, mate, and go to sleep. It was an unlikely occurrence, but it was better than already being down her throat. He'd lift a single ear. What were they talking about now? A. . . mouse? He'd shake his head amidst his trembles, none of this made sense. Maybe he'd just wake up. maybe. . . it was all a horrible nightmare? His eyes opened, nose twitched. He'd the red vixen's face, and took in her odor. His fur stood on end, and he'd swallow hard. It wasn't a dream, it was all too real. He'd sigh dejectedly, looking away.

The cat would sigh and nod; normally perfectly poised, the topic seemed to make her uncomfortable. "If you should encounter her. . . . she's best left alone. I don't care about her myself." A certain emphasis to those words might suggest that even more than not caring, the cat found her existence distasteful. "But Jaabir adores her." She'd look up into the fox's eyes. "Absolutely adores her." She'd sigh. "And he's not like me. If she were to be threatened, he wouldn't be amenable to reason. She's best left alone" The cat silently hoped what she'd said would not do more harm than good. She'd look up at the fox, almost apologetically, her normally arrogant manner for the moment gone. Averting her eyes, she'd look to the hole. "i'd best take care of Jack," she'd mutter.

Paige didn't respond to the cat at first, just giving a little nod, and doing a good job of hiding the little worm of pleasure she was feeling at the cat's discomfort. She certainly noticed Tabatha's apparent distaste and, well, that made sense in the vixen's assessment of her. Any blurring of those lines she had drawn up in her mind at some point in her life would most likely be extremely unsettling to her. Still, it was good to know to leave the mouse alone... or at the very least devour her in private, if it ever came to that. It also raised all sorts of further interesting questions which she was far too hungry and intoxicated by bunny-aroma to really consider at the moment. "Tabatha, thanks." She said, her voice earnest. "You do that, and I have my own bunny to take care of too." And with that, the vixen set off once more.

Paige's 'own bunny', would jerk at hearing that. This was it, he was about to die. He'd pant hard, heart about to burst from his chest. He knew she was walking away with him. He knew she was. . . taking him to somewhere. Her den? That was most likely. All he knew now was he didn't want her to move any closer to it. He suddenly longed to be back where he was, listening to those conversations he had no earthly clue of. Hell! It would be better to be back in the cat's hold! When both fox and rabbit came a few steps out of sight, Tabatha would hear a another strong, "UmmmMMMm!" "UMMM. . ." that was quickly cut off.

The cat would kneel by the hole, watching the vixen as she left. When she was out of sight, and all sounds of the distressed pair would be inaudible, she'd turn her attention to the hole. She'd cup her paws and call downwards, "Jack? It's me, Tabatha!" She wasn't sure if he'd be able to hear or not (assuming the fox hadn't made a fool of her of course) She'd wait a moment, and if there was reply, she'd slip her paws slowly down into the hole, taking care not to make any sudden moves that might startle the rabbit.

Deep inside the rocky burrow, a little lop-ear rabbit would lay curled. Oooooh. It had been so long now, he fretted. Did the cat come to save him? Maybe he should look out? No. . . he might see something scary! He might see another rabbit get hurt! The bunny whimpered to himself, but would not hear the feline's call, his paws placed firmly over his ears. The vixen had implied for him to stay at the entrance, that he'd just get picked up when it was all over. Jack was a simple rabbit. . . but that just didn't seem like a good idea to him. What if something happened? What if the fox took him again? What if something else took him? No, he kept to the far edge, away from any sort of grabbing range. Instead, he would keep his eyes to the entrance, watching for movement.

He'd spy something then. . . moving down. Jack immediately tensed, his instincts racing. Ooooh it was a predator! It found where he was! It was trying to get him! The bunny took a few breaths, and settled himself. . . beginning to recognize that paw. His head lifted quick then, and his own two paws would be placed to the ground. He could hear her then, calling for him. "T-tabatha?!" he'd call back, his voice a little horse. Jack knew this cat. . . but she was still a cat. . . she was still a predator. It took effort in his legs, to want to move forward toward that hole. It went against everything his mind told him. . . and he'd hesitate.

The grey paws would turn face up, beseeching. "Yes, Jack, it's me," came the feline's voice, soft and unthreatening. "The fox is gone. Let me take you where you can be safe."

Jack rose his head, and leaned himself nearer The cat's voice. . . her words, they calmed him. They calmed him in a way the vixen's could not. He. . . trusted her. She came to save him. Even if she hadn't, being trapped by her claws was better than being trapped by the fox's. . . or anyone elses. "O-ok. . ." he'd whisper back, hopping forward slowly, steadily. The rabbit would get just beside those paws, and shut his eyes, before pushing himself against them. His body wasn't trembling, but it was still shaking, still scared.

The paws wouldn't pick him up right away. Instead, they'd on his shoulders and stroke him, They'd move along his back and over his head and ears; they'd hold him even as she shook. The cat would take her time, and only when she sensed he was ready, they'd slide under him, and lift him, and pull him out into the sun.

"There we go. . . ." the cat would whisper, resting the rat's head upon her shoulder. She'd nuzzle his cheek, tickling him with her whiskers, stroking his back, her tail swishing behind her.

When finally raised, the rabbit went very limp, his fur matted and covered with dirt. He was either very tired, trusted her completely, or just didn't want to struggle anymore. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to that light, his head lifting slowly, eyes squinting, head pushing up against her neck.

The rabbit would hold there for a moment, almost in disbelief. He wasn't in the fox's hold anymore. He was in Tabatha's. Jack nuzzled her, eyes shut, body leaning deeply to her embrace. "T-thank. . . t-thank you. . ." he'd whimper out, his eyes heavy.

Still rubbing her cheek against the lapine, the cat would begin to walk, taking swift strides up the hill. So smooth was her step, unless he opened his eyes, Jack might not even realize they were moving. If he did, he might feel as though he was floating in air in the cat girl's arms. "I'm going to take you to my home. You'll be safe there," she said softly. "I'll tell Jaabir and Lichthia where you are so they won't worry." That last was said with a little reluctance. If it were up to her, she'd let the pair stew. But Jack would feel bad if thought he'd made his friends worry, and that was what was important. "When it's safe, I'll bring you home to them again." This was the cat's way. Jack was prey after all, he shouldn't have to worry or make decisions. She'd take care of everything.

At first the rabbit would only lay there, quiet, barely moving apart from his small gentle rubs. All his worries had left him. Nothing else could hurt him now. He was still in a predator's hold. . . but it wasn't distressing, at least, not by much. He'd open his eyes slow, and look down. . . finding they were moving. The rabbit would look to her then, and take in her words. Her home? A predator's home? He wasn't sure how he should feel about that, but even so, he'd offer another nuzzle. "Ok. . ." he'd sniffle. At least he wouldn't have to be alone right now. It gave his mind greater comfort, when she mentioned his friends. His head raised. "G-good. . . " He'd sniff again. His more important concerns dealt with, he'd finally take notice of another discomfort, and pass a glance to one of his arms. Rabbits were very cleanly, and to be covered in dirt was upsetting in its own right. He'd lower his muzzle to lick slow in effort to groom, something a rabbit would only do if they felt safe.

The cat would look down at the rabbit, smiling as he groomed himself. She had some dirt in her own fur, just from nuzzling him. As she looked, her smile would fade, replaced by a look of concern. A prey would typically get dirty from a chase, but he was a mess! What had she done to him? "Don't worry, we'll get you cleaned up when we get home," she'd say softly, reaching over to brush some gravel from his flank. She'd want a complete account of his encounter later, but not now. She'd wait until he was washed and fed.

Jack would pause his licks. He wasn't sure what she meant. Did she have a river close by? He'd just nod slowly, and rest his head.