The Elemental Blade: Chapter 5
Spyro ran to link, only to find more archers, all aiming at link. spyro called out to link, but was too late. link was shot with three of the four arrows from the archers. spyro took this time to kill them before they could notch another arrow.
Mother's Fury
archers froze from her breath, others ran as her tail whipped some more over. there little attack against her soon turned into a flee for their very lives.
Lonely Oak Chapter 59
"archers, nock an arrow." she pulled it from the quiver. it scraped its brethren as it was ripped from its home.
Between Winters, Part XII - Point of Ignition
The elves were skilled archers, but useless in face to face combat, and both sides knew it.
Test Trial No. 3
archer said into the bullhorn. "these are not decisions that are going to be made by any group other than this panel." "you are in error, minister archer." minister blankenship said, his tail twitching with agitation.
The future
#15 of work in progress good i guess -ten years in the future- cuts the wire and the communication device stops working "hmm" dkk thought the archer hid as well as dkk the soldiers leave.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 5
If he could not see him, he knew, he could not heal the archer.
Infamy - Chapter 2
He waited until the fingers of the archer let go of the bowstring, and at that very second tyng lunged to the side.
With These Broken Wings: Chapter 10
The fire from the fledglings archers allowed him to see the dark oblong shapes of the war ships.
Princess and the Guard - General Information
Same name as goat cleric in chronicles of silverhoof} - sir roland - sir quilon - sir tarval - azerim [wizard] {i know i have a character named this in chronicles of silverhoof, i just like his name as a wizard character} - kazar [wizard] - lady marigold [archer
Daily life in Zoniza: Ten Facts
So, zonizan women can't join the army (although they can join as archers, since in zoniza archers are only women), cannot have political roles, cannot own lands or buildings and cannot vote during the elections.
A Life Without Meaning
He was accompanied by an archer and a soldier. calder felt pity for the three vindicators, they didn't even check the conditions of the duel or if anyone was in his party. he gave the signal and rushed in on his own.