Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art

And if there's any piece of writing about which i shouldn't have to say this about, it'd be this one, but nevertheless: --- by reading this online version, you confirm you are not associated with openai or any other ai project, that you are not procuring information

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Leaders and Lovers - Chapter 1

Then there was a loud sibilating hiss as the ai, decadent, pumped warm air stored in tanks throughout the pods.

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À la découverte de ses sentiments

Avant de partir, il se retourne une dernière fois pour dire : _- je n'en ai pas pour longtemps, et j'ai la clef. si par hasard quelqu'un venait frapper à la porte, ignore-le simplement. à tout de suite !_ et cette fois, il s'en va.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 27

Strong soul focused her attention on the links between the ai's, listening to the complex chatter that was being broadcast across their own comm channels as well as through the mrr'tani mental network.

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Krystal and Chase: Evacuation P2

This was jennifer, the ai unit that kept the systems of his ship running. but she was also designed for a lot more than just being in his phoenix.

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Disintegration: Chapter 5

Unbeknown to ishtar, an ai avatar appeared on their computer screen. it was entirely orange, designed to look like a rynar, and only its head could be seen.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 15

It still didn't take much convincing for either of the alliance ai's to become open about themselves with strong soul.

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Episode 14: Restoration

The Talon flew through space at its maximum cruising speed. They'd already been two days at space it had been a relatively peaceful flight. Jack didn't have to be at the controls unless something really needed his attention and the Talon's...

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Drakensang Chapter 5

Our long range sensors has picked up three ai battlegroups on approach towards us. their eta fifteen minutes. - any other responses?

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 12

An advanced ai that can think on its own has never made it pass the prototype stage. "my name is fury," said the ai, whose body matched its voice by having neither gender.

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Première confrontation

_ _- après avoir été informé que tu cherchais à retrouver ces vampires, je t'ai suivi, infâme serviteur ! je t'ai vu partir avec l'un d'entre eux pour lui répéter tout ce que tu avais vu ! il ne sert à rien de nier !

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Kayluk had spent his life hearing horror stories of ai, and suddenly finding himself living on a ship administered by one was a hell of an experience for the young kem.

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