Into The Darkness Of Love
"Our story beings with a girl who's a princess of the Terran Famiy Guild ,and everyday she looked out her window at the stars an wonders if theres anybody out there in the stars or if her planet is the only one." Many years later, The ancient gate on...
To Snare A Wolf Part Three
"Are you kidding me?" After he said this, he lifted his head to see if I was lying. "I guess not." He said, and went back to finding Tod. A while later, he stood up with a teddy in his paws. "What are you reading?" He asked. I looked back at the...
Chapter Nine: Everything Goes Boom!
**A/N: Yes the \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* indicates a curse word but consider it beeped out.** (Marrissa) I was shocked that the fox had managed to get out of my circle and now I did not care that my left eye was beginning to swell. I was carefully watching...
The Story Of The Darkness Chapter 1 ~ The Shadowy Figure
Today is Dec. 1st But today is the day i die..... My story takes place in 2013.... (Clock alarm goes off) "Ugh...i dont wanna get up...but then again first day of highschool cause we moved again -Sigh- .....Oh well" (Click the alarm stops) As i got...
So I'm going to soon conjure a story idk if anyone will be interested or not but if so AWESOME The story is about 3 couples that are heading to Titan ( a moon of Saturn ) to safe the species of furrys throughout earth The first team though is...
A Fox and His Yeena
Chapter 4: Broken Memories Love. It's something you feel. Something shared with your beloved. Only with your beloved. So when the bond is broken there's nothing to do but lie down and cry. "Drake ? Why have you betrayed me ?!" I ask myself. In a...
Are You the Zombie King?
If you are then you should answer these few questions to help with a furry project of mine. Q1. Whats your fav. part in a Zombie movie? Q2. Do you like the... A) traveling type of movie, when the surivivers move from place to place in a vehicle....
Spartan Remus Part One
Part One In the year 2543 in the midst of the Humanity-Covenant war, there were planets still yet to be found within the universe. Whole galaxy's that was untouched nor discovered by neither the humans or the covenant. A planet known in the years...
Museum Killers
Below is a dream that i had and I wrote down some of the mindsets. No organized at all and if you make it through I will be impressed. Looking back, it is kind of hard to read NOTE: Not furry related at...
Her second chance Chapter 2
I awoke the next morning to James on top of me. Nude with his tail excitedly wagging from one side to the other. "Morning lovely." He said, "How did you sleep?" He grinned at me, and then licked the top of my breasts. It all seemed like a dream to me....
A Furry World - Part 1 Home Sweet Home
I walked down the street my ears down my tail drooping as I look from building to building. It had been nearly 4 months since thousands of people woke up as furries and while I was walking I still drew a lot of stares. From flaming red fur, slightly...
Our Time
In this room music and masks dance, the masks a new guise from which only the eyes, the windows to the soul may be seen. Say look there at the handsome young pair, dancing so slowly and entwined, no words do they speak for a talent...