Chapter 4: Decisions
"be careful," jamie called back. "slow down until you get used to moving in your diaper." it didn't take long to clean up and put away the leftover pizza. as he entered the living room, the tv was flashing the title screen for power rangers.
Madness, Starving, Hysterical
It was a wonderful job, with wonderful people, then came the covid furlough, and i never got a call back when it ended. i'd been calling them, but they said they sent me a letter and left messages on our home phone number.
He Who Slept for Forty Nights
I'm alright," he called back waving a broken branch, "but i can't find my leg," "why didn't you jump off?!" fay asked as she ran to help the young boy.
A Dragons Tale-Chapter 28-Factory Spec
"get across the compound,she called back,it's the ammo storage,a single block of c4 will be enough to blow it sky high." "understood,i called back,were moving now." we sprinted across the compound,sticking to the shadows.
Disruptors Part 3
Red lightning called back over the coms to everyone.
The Path Less Traveled, Part 3
"aye," i called back, then went around the tower and gave a loud whistle. i heard boots coming from the towers upper level, then the muffled sounds of cursing.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fifty
"thanks yourself," he called back out, "for getting the chairs down. now, scram! we're closed." next time: okay guys, i know this looks like another really depressing chapter, but trust me-- it's leading into something pretty funny.
A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter One)
When the trainer threw the pokeball, she waited still, until the time she was called back out. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ she
Raiderstuck (part 1)
Chief: "oh okay that makes sense i guess" princess: "have your dudes drill for more grist then call back" chief: "ok" vegeta: "main screen turn off" chief: "okay so you guys need to keep digging and stuff" rock raiders: "okay i'm drilling more walls
Waterlogged - Watery Truth
Cliabhach called back, 'no, but you're getting closer. you think too much - which means the ruati will as well. try to remember your history.' i slowed my pace as i thought through the basic structure of our situation.
the war of the new world
A large grey wolf peeks over the top of the wall and calls back down, "ha! mentablood, is that you again? stay there. i'll bring down some garments for you and then i'll open the gate."
Waves By the Shore:Discover and Admit
Dear makuyi it's been a fun vacation, but your father has been called back to work. start packing your things because we're going back home tomorrow. i'm sorry you couldn't enjoy your vacation more.