Threads - Meet Alex

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Pern: Clear and Deep

There would be no thread today, that much was obvious, there was not even a sniff of clouds or weather changing.

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Silken thread

He pulled at it until a single silk thread found itself separated from the rest.

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Threads - Kiki's Story

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Threads - Tea Leaf

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Threads - A Development in The Works

Copyright © To Irish Fox. All characters, sub plot, base plot, storyline and Index is, and has been created by me. Subject to user right you MUST ask first to any subscriptions before usage. © To Irish Fox. 28th November,...

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New Threads: Halloween pt.3

#3 of new threads part 3. the bait and switch with cliff will end in part 4. "don't be like that. you look cute!" jennifer tried to console cliff, but he just stood there red-faced and sullen.

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New Threads: Halloween pt. 1

#1 of new threads this is a multi-part tf story. first i've ever written, in fact. it was a dry, cool october friday. the sky was a crisp blue, no clouds to be seen anywhere. jennifer waited outside a rustic storefront for her three friends.

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The Guardians Shadow ch9

The mans body was mostly covered in thread by this point and the spider was slowly wrapping him from his feet to his head. making sure that every inch of the man was covered tightly by it's thread. just like someone wraps a thread around a spool.

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A Composer's Lament - Thursday Prompt Story [#10, 09/3/23]

He knelt to pick one such thread up and twisted it around a bit with his fingers. the thread gently rose in the air and split apart to reveal, from within the hole made in the thread, a colorful and vibrant mountainside, making the conductor smile.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 58

Black thread, bending backwards.) hoping that... (black thread. no hope.) "salem! oh gods!" (the eye was too small. she didn't have the skill or the ability. she could do nothing. nothing. absolutely nothing...) "saleeem!"

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There was no time

Online, "hey, need a hug" but none will dare the silence breach i've lost my thread, it loosens up the ball threatens to come undone i message friends, i search around but it is clear i am alone i seek the threads, the jumbled mess i try

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