Alexander Stats

Here are the stats for alexander. not really going off any certain stat systems.


World Building: Nations of Sethera

Also some little stats about food, drink, colors, and animal.

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

stats: kingdom of drothar: absolute monarchy ethnicity: germanic. government corruption: moderate. military strength: moderate. military tactics: bombardment, heavy weapons in general. economy: very lucrative. poorly managed.

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thordani race stats

The racial stats for the thoradan, a race of eagle people, as designed for d&d5e by runesmith. i've altered some of the fluff details for my own use, but i've left his version intact here. most notably, my thordani live to human lifespans.

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asari racial stats

The racial stats for the asari, a race of hawk people, as designed for d&d5e by runesmith. i've altered some of the fluff details for my own use, but i've left his version intact here. most notably, mine live to human lifespans.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 4- Flight (Part2)

From time to time stat had to check for additional signs.

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Neko City2040 (Bio's)

Hight: 5'11 weight: 180 stat's: nice, sweet, kind, fun, anime freak, sometime's horny, good to be around. shy, good at science and video games.

Kaiju Chaos; Manual.

Their are neutral rooms that give equal points to all stats and there are rooms that are specialized for specific stats or elements that give extra points to the element or stat in question.

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Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale

He also remembered what the advisor said about his luck stat. sure, the scarf would help but he doubted this invisible arbitrary stat had grown in the past five minutes. he had some potion ingredients.

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War of Spirits: Manual.

They rely on accuracy and speed more than the other stats 5.

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Or grind my stats, level up slowly and see what this character can become? should i try to get through this deep dark dungeon one last time?

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