Taking a Step Back

So, here I am. I take a step back and pull up a chair and begin to watch my own life. No this not really a story, but rather a Philosophy of life. in order to completly under stand something, one must remove him or herself from the situation and...

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Plea, well, sort of . . .

Poetry all heads bow in the background as "i never knew you" plays in the background, a "secular" worship song worshipping true love instead of a jealous god's neediness to be worshipped by humans he had already created billions of years ago.


Faith and Truth: Chapter Two

If their message was so 'scientifically accurate' then why has no 'secular' doctor come forward with supporting evidence? why is it that the only people who find 'evidence' to support their claims a religious doctor?"

Benjamin the Wolf

Cohn would finish their rabbinical studies as secular pursuits came calling.

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Interlude 17

The earliest solution was to employ loyal sorcerers to keep the troops under control, but the army and the navy had both been particularly 'secular' and devoid of religious interference for centuries now.



I think i'm left-leaning overall but i dislike how secular the left tends to be. don't get me wrong, people abuse religion and that's why i'm not going down that path, especially given what happened to syd."

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Desire and Elegance

Hopefully, it explained my lessened passion, though not as secularly as the truth would. by the time the sun rose, i had left the woods. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*faqs and author rants!

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Blotches - Can't Come Clean Unless You're Dirty

The jaguar's muzzle had already decided what to say, yet his mind vacillated franticly over what was surreal fantasy and the secular truth. every moment seemed to pass at it's own languid pace. each one nudging kevin every so slightly to speak up.

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New Wilderness

A sociological trend occurred, where more atheistic or secularly-minded people wanted to immigrate, while the more religiously minded viewed the move as a betrayal of their gods' work on earth.

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 2

No, i had undergone a much more secular training in my career.

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Using a secret prayer in secular music disappointed him but only slightly. at least his son had the respect to keep it within its context. loki believed in the words. every bit as much as his mother's father's father's father had believed in them.

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Lord of arms-Chapter 16

For a god, he was pretty secular. "you know, for a god, you feel pretty.... well, not divine. i mean, aren't gods supposed to be more solemn?" arthur gave the tiger god a triumphant grin.

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