Put Me in the Trash

There were a few nice new products on sale at Klyder's Department Store that quarter, but the lime jello marshmallow cottage cheese surprise was not one of them. Clyde Igglesby wanted to retch at the label of the dense, bowl-shaped, cheap-plastic...

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MLP: Pyrotechnic Misdemeanour

Stuck on the starting blocks; their coats charred; their mouths puffing little o's of smoke and their car smouldering as a result of their pyrotechnic misdemeanour, snips and snails saw their teacher come closer to have some very terse words with them.

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Aurora Borealis

There is no audio track underlaying the narration; the pyrotechnics and the audience drown out any other source of sound.

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10 Pattern

pyrotechnics showered the stage as the performer began the act. a steady pattern underlined the beginning of the set, with a slowly evolving melodic figure above.

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Rock Out

As we combinededly howled and roared that line, a massive amount of assorted pyrotechnics went off, with jets of flame and sky-lighting fireworks lighting up the arena and the crowd.

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Screens of Wonder

"if only i could make a warm fire with my pyrotechnics," he told himself. "we can all cuddle up by the fireplace and drink hot cocoa together..."

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Astral High - Chapter 14

[tim] "well at least our shared love of pyrotechnics can bring us together." [ted] "i got dad to let me bring my sling shot, we can shoot fire crackers at stuff." "awesome." "so, we're just gonna hang out here until five?" [me] "yup."

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All People Great and Small | Chapter 4

From windows and from street lamps, and dozens of giants of various fauna roamed around, chatting with one another, shopping for food in an open market, or creating sparks from the ends of sticks and their hands, which star realized must have been either pyrotechnics

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The Dragon Dance (letter)

._ _as for myself, i was completely hypnotized by the chants, the pyrotechnic show, keeping my binoculars with one hand and myself balanced with the other one.


The Outlander 3 37

The guosim shrews had brought some boxes brimming with rockets and other pyrotechnics. "remember to keep those dry on the boat and not to light a single one until that redwall place has prepared a great welcome home feast," said allyosha.

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Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind

My old man's ideal friday apparently consisting of such activities as drinking a 3lbs back of m&m's eating cajun turkey jerky then constructing and discharging pyrotechnics without a permit. one friday my dad shows up late to meet me at grandma's place.

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POV vore - you and a couatl

Quozl has the best pyrotechnic spells." so. a mage. probably one who moved into the tower after the clerics left. a third villager shoots you a glance and they shut up. you need more info. an hour later you get it.

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