Hunting Grounds

**Hunting Grounds** By: DankeDonuts []( The slick, red mudball that was Panna Prime was home to many a wild and destructive beast. From the giant icthyodonts that that attacked...

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david's college days part thirty

David had found a computer in the skip, but was it good or was it a dud? there was only one way to find out, he placed on the table and set about clearing the computer table removing all the stuff ready for the computer.

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Chapter 4 - The Devil

"computer, do you have um... the general specifications for... this place?" the computer beeped in acknowledgement.


Creating a character

When a pc picks a culture he gets it at first level for free, and should treat it as a feat. a pc may take two culters if he wishes (ex.

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Hardcore Software: Part 1

Hardcore software part 1: the ".rawr" file "come on you stupid computer!" anders said loudly to his computer. he was trying to get on to his e-mail for the past two hours, with no luck.

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Homologous Recombination

But when dunthyon tapped into the computer, his data was replaced with the ones in the computer, so he was now rendered useless. his mind was in the computer though, so he could still call for kat to get her to plug his body back in, and swap the files.

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Space Warrior Hitachi

The computer stutters something half-intelligible, and goes silent. not before time, mind you. \* \* \* five hours later, the computer's managed to repair itself and we're ready to drop back into normal space.

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Episode 9: Paradigm Shift

"i can see it now, whole fleets of barely manned vessels exploring the galaxy with the people only there to operate the computers and the computers doing all the work. it just...bothers me," he sighed.

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter11

When the game glew, the computer responded quite frantic to it! espio on the computer screen reared back before the file involving derek green vanished soon after. all three of us were left rather confused otherwise.

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Eric turned back towards his computer, scratching his own hand as he did. "well, it seems like my computer is working perfectly fine anyway!" he said. "so i guess i can have a computer room in here after all!"

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Home Sweet Farm 2: Mecha Warrior

He took out the usb flash drive and stuck it in the computer. all the data that was on the computer was now his. after it was all downloaded he took out the flash drive but as soon at it left the computer the alarm started to go off.

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Story Time With Wuff- Always wipe your tech before reselling!

So i bought a used computer on ebay, a packard-bell multimedia computer to play windows 98 and ms-dos games on.

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