'_It's a good thing that I've already read this before_,' she groaned inwardly as the shaking bus rudely closed the book she was re-reading in her hands yet again, _'Or there's no way I'd be able to keep up with it otherwise.'_ The cephalopod had...
Water and i breathe in as i inhale the scent of it my mind comes back to me and then i realize i am still here in these sheets right next to you and the waterfall was your hair and the intoxicating scent your skin and i understand you are my oasis
Recaptured -8- Freed (Epilogue)
"as for fox, he owns the only home in the oasis that's large enough to have both an above ground portion in the oasis village and an underground portion in the oasis castle.
Black Skies Chapter 1: Breakout
"i'm going to be in there too, oasis, providing a defense against anymore 56." "okay." oasis hoped into the driver's seat and mikal leapt into the back with ceri.
Black Skies Chapter 2: A Life Retold
oasis puts a paw on his shoulder. "no one is expendable, ceri. but i'll let mikal tell you why he was so sad." oasis sat down again. the snow leopard opened the same drawer and pulled out a piece of paper. "last week, we got this.
WIP Book Chapter 1 + 2
"we can rest as soon as we get to the camp at the oasis" the oasis or faun del trai as others may call it is a landmark that resides in the middle of the targen desert.
Fallout: Tales from Vilous - Origins
Construction began immediately on the undersea cities, the union called them oasis shelters, built several miles from the gold ring, off the shores of the gulf. in one month's time the small but mighty city oasis prime had been built.
The beak that contained the nostrils opened wide, shearing off what little vegetation existed near the oasis.
WIP Book Chapter 1
"we can rest as soon as we get to the camp at the oasis" the oasis or faun del trai as others may call it is a landmark that resides in the middle of the targen desert.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Seventy
If you want good fruit, we should go to the oasis. the handfruit in their trees is finally ripe." "the oasis?" father tilted his head, then waved a hand at the room around.
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 6: New Katt in Town
Business was clearly booming; the last time i stayed at the oasis, my room was still in the double digits.
Just Desert
The deep purple color matched the same shade of the fur at the top of his wings, another trait he cared for in this desert, as the vegetation was food for the larger wildlife that went from oasis to oasis looking for their next meal.