Full Character Bios

-other: none -background: -wip- -criminal record: none -name: elizabeth (a.k.a.

Damien Vs Red WIP

_It was a quiet morning on the outskirt fields of Stalingrad, despite the sounds of the engines of a Tiger 131 and 4 Panzer III. A's __being echoed across the grassy meadows.._ _"Commander when are we going home?" Gunthor asked over their tanks...


WIP Book Chapter 1

#1 of wip book 1 this book is in constant progress and is only chapter 1 draft here is the link for live edits:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ceyn4agn9ijro4hd9jjiqgaegklrjokgtzlijlzwqqs/edit?


Karter's Story chapter 1 (work in progress)

A Tribute to Karter's past.. Chapter 1 The Freedom has its costs... Project 9: Karter had escaped the hellish nightmare facility in Manitoba, The accursed Science experiementation centre which corruped and conducted ungodly experiments on at a...


Karter's story: Chapter 3. The whereabouts of happiness

Karter's story: by NikoTehWolf **K** arter woke up one morning to the loud crashing sound of what could be described as metal smashing onto the hard floor. Shaken abruptly woken from his nap. The hell hound pup grumbled annoyed. Having less then 5...


Karter's past...

Karter Redpaw Demonica one of my role play characters has a dark past.. He was never properly born and so a trilogy to his nightmarish past shall be told... This is... Test subject 009 Project. 9. around 15 years ago before my character was born he...


Chapter III Preview

The still vulnerable wounds from 20 years ago were sliced right open for my father. First Christa, and now Jamie... How much punishment could one tod take? What has he done to deserve such misfortune and hardship? My father thought about this as he sat...


small Jingle

Legend tells of a man, A man who could run, Run across the land and sea, Women wave in awe, the men raising their Fists, Who was this legend, A legend without an end.....

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Who Coulda' Guessed? WIP!!!

wip so, long time for not writing anything worthwhile. well, here i go. its only slightly adjusted from the story from an actual event that occurred during one of my off weekends.

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Bloodline - Excript

_Author's note - Hello, this is a small bit from a story I'm slowly writing on that I have high hopes of one day publishing. You are more than welcome to leave critisim and thoughts on this bit, in fact I encourage it!...

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WIP: Intro - No name

The time of age, a secret age where the hearts of many roamed freely yet were restricted to their own limitations. Linhamn, the main center of attention within the time period, held the largest land that was ruled by any government. Yet the people...


Vis me?

I wish I could define lost. Going by the definition when read from Merriam Webster's dictionary, it has many different ways of being applied depending on what situation you find yourself in. Sad, really. I find myself being drawn toward the subscripts...
