You're Gone

_9:53 pm markus\>_ (i know you hate your stepdad) _9:53 pm markus\>_ \*hated _9:53 pm markus\>_ fuck _9:54 pm markus\>_ sorry _9:54 pm markus\>_ ...

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Illian: Red Twilight

Felix just laughed and said "if you don't learn how to use your augment markus, you're going to die." with that, he advanced on markus once again, except this time, markus was ready for him.


His Only Happy Ending Part 2

He was still a bit out of it but answered, "markus sir, markus dixon." "well markus," the doctor replied, "i'm dr. thomas, and you are a very lucky young man." markus didn't quite understand, "sir?" dr.

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Heart of Ice Ch.13

markus pointed out, getting nothing but a smile from his parents. "we know, so that's why we had one of your uncle help out. do you remember your uncle thomas?" markus' mom asked, getting a wide-eyed response from markus.

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Heart of Ice Ch.10

markus reassured, kissing me on my head. i felt a little better after what markus said, some confidence coming back to me. if markus thinks that they'll like me than i'll take his word for it.

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An AbsolUtely Amazing Luxray Costume

markus questioned, thomas slipped a paper out of his jacket and put it on the table. markus picked up the paper and looked it over, "pokémon costumes?"

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His Only Happy Ending

markus stood on the rear pegs of matt's bike as they made their way to south town. he held onto him to keep from falling, matt found it strange but markus didn't mind.

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Heart of Ice Ch.23

So, in reality, markus didn't willingly commit the act he did...he was forced to. markus' mother also told me that markus he tried to fight back, but it was too strong for him to fight. think about this silnis...," she explained.

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Heart of Ice: After Story

Finally, the door clicked opened and markus walked in, looking quite handsome in his suit. "silnis, i'm home!" he announced. "markus!" i cried out, jumping out of my hiding spot and attacking him with a love hug.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Twelve

markus turned around to find a large komodo dragon anthro bearing down on him, his rifle raised and the blade at one end pointing at markus. with a cry, markus took several steps backward, raised his bow and shot the arrow he had already prepared there.

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Heart of Ice Ch.5

"markus and silnis, together forever," it read. wait...markus? i looked up at him and suddenly jumped back, seeing that he was markus. "silnis wait!" he shouted, just as i tripped over a half-buried log.

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