The Looming Threat

- My Lord, you have a visitor. - Great, as if I didn't have enough to keep me busy today... Well, bring him in. Lord Ashley Shepperton of Brentworth was in a particularly tired mood today. From overseeing the defence of the town from Hordes...

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Looming cold

She looked over to the glacier, which still was looming more than twice as high as the now giant sneasel.

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a dark threat looms

When darkness first flooded our world, there was nothing to stop it, every living creature became twisted and dark like they came straight from the abyss, it wasn't until a light shone in the night that the creatures that had survived had...

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Loom of passion (Clean version)

September, 1940. The foggy clouds of the war were covering Paris ever since the invasion by the German forces began four months ago. The Eiffel Tower was standing in the middle of the city. Black and undisturbed by even the constant noise from the...

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Deific Day Out

The mass of black, red, green and other grotesque colors and shapes spread like a plague upon the heavenly cloud, only for an immense shadow to loom over them.

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The Narrow Road in Morning Light

He held there a full second, then abruptly grabbed the loom and slammed it against the wolf with an angry yell. hisae toppled to the floor, the loom crashing on top of her.

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The Promotion

In this city was stationed the loom, the magus library, where she also worked as a bookkeeper. non-magi would have no use of the loom, so it didn't matter that it was made for keenfolk, but tali preferred it that way nonetheless. "uh huh.

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He had to wonder what it was too, but he had a feeling he was going to find out as the eyes loomed over him the closer they got.

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The Fallen: One of the Five Chapter1

The dark dreams of a winner less battle and the reek of death still loomed in his mind. malka froze and his cheerful stare faded and was replaced by a dark look of betrayal.


Halloween 2019 - Chapter 1: Walking in the Unknown

Several fallen tree trunks loomed out of the mess, along with their associated branches and tangled greenery.

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye

She could see the wall ever approaching, a solid, looming mass of dark clouds that got closer by the minute.

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