Furtasia: Thladiran Language
In my fantasy-world of Furtasia, one of the races of beings that I've given a considerable amount of time and thought in crafting are the wolf-like Thladirans. I've even gone so far as to develop the rudiments of a language for them. Their language is...
The Hand of God
At one point, the linguist asked after the architect, and the psychologist repeated, "he went back to base." and then: quiet. they ate.
The Hand of God
The linguist looked as though she was on the edge of saying something snarky, but her gaze softened. "_go n-éirí an bóthar leat_. it's gaeilge. uh, irish.
Introduction to Manipulators: Linguistics and Phonetics
Manipulators, being half machine, don't talk to each other the way you and I would. Sure, they use sounds, but the sounds they make don't form any coherent language pattern. This is because manipulators talk to each other using programming. Their Data...
lief blozende Wolf - sweet blushing wolf
Yet the words came out garbled, like my linguistics routine isn't describing the feels that i'm feeling. more tears of the confused, the man who knows not.
Somehow, she's me
Then a linguist, then a biologist, then a composer, a conductor.
University Life - Afternoon Break
You might have been looking for geographical reference around where languages are based; no, linguistics doesn't teach the geography related to languages, i've seen the curriculum.
I am telling you just what i heard, and what i know, as i said, to be basic linguistic calisthenics.
The Pillow Book of Sethira: Prologue and Translator's Note
"phaedra tells me you're a linguist. is this true?" i nodded, then shook my head, deciding i wasn't fit for the actual title. "i study languages, but it isn't my life's mission to know them all, and it isn't my profession."
2 minor hindrance (pacifist and one other) **the brain** **agility** d4 **smarts** d12 **magic** d4 **spirit** d6 _knowledge(sci)_ d12 _knowledge(hist)_ d8 _knowledge(law)_ d8 _notice_ d6 _tinkering_ d6 _riding_ d6 _intimidation_ d4 1 edge (linguist
Lore: Regulian Alphabet
Reactionary elements in the regulian government and regulian linguistic hard-liners oppose the change, viewing the new alphabet as being an alphabet for a less refined species and consider it an insult that the government has replaced the script they have
[ag d8] (attack foes who moves to become adjacent) **gadgeteer** [tinkering d8] (jury-rig one device per game session) **hard to kill** (50% chance of surviving death) **jack-of-all-trades** [sm d10] (no -2 penalty for unskilled smarts-based tests) **linguist