Horns & Halos CH4

#4 of horns & halos ch4 of horns & halos. nisha struggled as she and her sister were trussed up like hunted game and laid in a market stall in an infernal market in one of the lower planes.

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Horns & Halos CH6

#6 of horns & halos chapter 6 of horns & halos. "i see it was a good thing i diapered both of you.", malice chuckled as she laid nisha onto a table.

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Horns & Halos CH7

#7 of horns & halos ch7 of horns & halos nisha moaned as she slowly returned to the realm of consciousness, awakened by a brightening light. "ugh.", she groaned, rubbing her face.

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The Art of Caring for Horns

"well, the polish that a gentleman puts on his horns is a completely transparent version of that. it protects the horns from dust and dirt and mud, should a situation involve them arise.

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The Art of Caring for Horns

"well, the polish that a gentleman puts on his horns is a completely transparent version of that. it protects the horns from dust and dirt and mud, should a situation involve them arise.

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Karl the One Horn: Prologue

His name was karl the one horn.

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Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic Chapter 2 Rules of the School

Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic Chapter 2 Rules of the School Who was this boy? Heck like she knew, but one thing she found out was he loved pie. He had no problem eating three to four pieces as they both sat outside the bakery. Being from the country...

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning

Splintered Light Chapter 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning Jacques generally preferred to do his tactical planning above deck where he could focus on the distant horizon and feel the wind on his fur but that evening turned out to be...

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Bearnard Z: It seeks revenge (Prologue)

His horns didn't help at all. the entity that chased him stood on all fours and sprinted towards his victim. the vibration faded in as they continued to approach quickly. the person was desperately trying to make it through.

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Horny Fledgling

Atlas resisted the urge to reach up a forepaw and touch his horns, checking for nibble marks. "hmm..." pyxis grinned at him. "maybe you shouldn't let jarzyl play with your horns so much.

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His horns tingled as a breeze brushed him. it was cool, even with his grown in fleece.

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Isolation-Excerpt 37-Back To Start

I'm not sure how long I spent on that floor, but when I woke up, it was to the sound of gun fire a little ways down the hall. Though my brain felt like it was on fire and moving made me feel like I would throw up, I picked myself up anyway. I had no...

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