It's a Hit?
It was a hit. the bombs would hurtle down into the beast's gut and detonate, starting a chain reaction that would consume the scaly threat until no matter remained.
Chapter 2- The Downfall
It was too late, the car hit me, and i flyed through the air and landed heavily on another car windshield. i saw carlos looking at me and yelling something in the air. i could not hear what he said and everything was soon turning black.
Hit and Run
Bike lanes are supposed to be safe. That is why they exist! A safe travel lane in the street for people on bicycles so they do not interrupt foot traffic on the sidewalks. Sure you have to watch for the occasional person to cut ahead of you to make a...
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 2 - Pipp
Pipp hit the record button. she was live! "hello all, this is pipp here. today i have a special announcement. i have just hit #1 most subscribed to channel on the internet, because of course, i deserve it.
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 3 - Izzy
"did i just hit a boy in the..." izzy knew what happened to boys when they got hurt a certain way, but she had never thought... " **did i just hit a boy in the**...!" and at that, izzy lost it.
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 1 - Sunny
Sunny was trotting through the museum passing through all the amazing artifacts from the time of the ancient Equestrians. Lots of amazing gadgets and gizmos still existed, capturing the awes of all the ponies around, but Sunny wasn't just browsing, she...
Loganberry Hits a Hrair
Nobody would hit a cricket ball like that on purpose. it would have been a ridiculously easy catch, if my window hadn't got in the way," he said severely.
My New Best Friend chapter 7: a perfect water pulse and an aroused puppy!
Its the third time i hit you!" "ponyta!!! remember to breath in the fire before shooting! you wont hurt anyone with a couple of flares!" "prinplup!!! what did i tell you about precision!!! co-cen-trate!!!!!!!"
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 4 - Zipp
As they sat around the fire that night, Zipp was silent. She had gathered from the awkward conversations of the other girls in the group that what happened to Hitch, this wasn't the first time it had happened. In fact, every girl pony in the group...
S1 E1 - Hit To The Head
Thatonefurry770** * * * **season 1 / ** episode 1: hit to the head * * * **freddy** i had the worst head ache imaginable. it felt like someone was hitting my forehead with a baseball bat, as hard as they could.
The Delay Only Made It Hit Harder
The delay only made it hit harder  
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Hit
Star was on another mission, a hit actually. he hadn't had one of these since that incident with kross. the only different thing with this one was he was only told that he was dealing with a thief, and a good one at that.