Reality is all We Have : Prologue, Chapter One

They didn't really have that much in common but they just seemed to fit perfectly together in a weird way. they spent the day just being themselves and having fun, nezumii never felt so open and free in such a long time.

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leave me be. poem

Look at me in my face. You fucking disgrace, your driving me away can't you see, But yet you continue to complain about everything. Without a reason to change anything. You talk of the world as if it owed you everything. That it done you wrong...

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I would not say i have a family to meet." his hand drifted to his side as if it had forgotten that his axe was in his room. "you have no-" nashi began. would mate be the right word? wife? did his people even have marriages?

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New character: Everett

To keep his junk from growing too big, they have to be cut off every once in a while (never with his permission though). he can even have his head cut off and grow a new body out of it. as long as his brain is intact, he can regrown anything.

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Part One - Whispering Shadows

Varan didn't encounter them on his way here, but perhaps they could have gotten lost on their way, in the very same halls he, so surprisingly, have passed on his own. this one last thought was reassuring, it covered up darker, more chilling ones.

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Ch. 1: Walls at seige

'he must have already gotten a partner,' i thought. when it sounded like everyone had finally chosen a partner, i looked up to find jaylin still without a partner.

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Four

"this will be a relay race, one of your team will recieve a piece of watermelon, you have to run to where your partner is and eat a whole piece of watermelon as fast as you can, when you have completely eaten that piece you have to deliver the shell to your

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Invane: Having Fun

Just declaring themselves as 'having fun'? invane: having fun the sun had decided to rise from the horizon and peaked through the windows. sending its rays down upon horizoki and haziyo whom woke up first.

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I have no clue!

With these wounds and this many body's could have been a whole squad of lesser daemons or maybe even a greater daemon and if so we have a serious problem." after they move deeper in the direction that the boys.


Demons Have No Feelings

The news was on: "scientists are baffled, they have no idea what could have created the large crater in the middle of the park. they are also sure that it's not the work of a meteorite or vulcanic activity."

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Could have been

The disparity of kin ever growing Growing distant and lost Unheard, loathing in solitude Remember a time peace A time when waking from rest seemed blissful You smiled wider than your heart Wider than their animosity A heart of painted glass We...

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Should Have Studied

Zeelo nearly stuttered, which would have been bad as that would have caused the magic to go out of control. who knew what would happen then? still, he was slowly approaching the end of the chant, and he'd need to shout the proper word for call.

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