
The inside of the building was a stark contrast to the grim outside. the floor and ceiling pillars were made of white marble, with a row of exotic plants lining a path towards the receptionist desk.


A final meeting

He came for me at night when all the stars in the heavens were alight When everyone was dreaming free The man with the hood came for me His knock was so soft and small in size that the very sound seemed to apologize But this was a meeting from...

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Oh Holy Night...part V

The Dark is Cold, Lifeless, and Silent. These Traits are all comforting. Not one of them naturally hostile towards my Unnaturally sustained body or the shards of my spirit, leftover when my soul was thrust into the burning pits of Hell. Despite...

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Grim Outcomes

**Every day, it gets darker. Every day, it becomes harder to focus. Every day, the motivation to get up in the morning eludes me. Every day, I question why I exist. I participate in a society that I feel isolated from. Detached in such a...

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Grim Forge

People who die and who go to heaven realize that some of the people who they cared about in life were sent to hell and that they're no longer allowed to interact with each other. The split shifts, from being simply between demons on one side and angels...

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A land of woe and terror surrounds me. A black canvas, lit by the dismal glow of falling fire, blotted the sky. As I walk on the withered earth, an omnious, dark wind brushed my right hand, leaving a mark of death. A...

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~The Great Masquerade~

Come one, come all it is the most magnificent show of them all where fortunes are lost, and fortunes are made, It is the Great Masquerade! The angels are all singing in the choir and I do believe that is Beelzebub on the lyre. So sit down...

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Destiny, Sands of Time

The grim reaper asked, resting his head against his scythe. normally the grim reaper would have just killed a simple person, and not shown this kind of a human jester, but i was no other human.

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Refliction: ChazeDown

Upon his hand was a black scythe and he doesn't look anything like the grim reaper mind you! nothing came from my mouth in response, all i could do was stare at him. the figure raises its paw up onto its neck.

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Forged in Fire, Chapter 2

Four days. It took me all of four days to HATE Iraq. Several of the senior Non-Coms (also known as NCOs, Non-Commissioned Officers, those ranked corporal and up) had been here before and laughed at the younger soldiers, while secretly counting the...

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The fang Ch 1

"well...maintenance is gonna have a fun time with this mess, grim..." the ceratosaur shrugged rather cheerfully. teska blinked up at the huge saurian and gulped once more. "...grim...captain...grim?"

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Book One of Rabbits Part 3 of 29, "I don't know what you are anymore."

**CHAPTER 2** "Idon't know what you are anymore." The fresh odor of fertilizer and moist soil catches Cecil long before reaching the end of this tunnel. The air here has a colorful haze of purple, yellow, and blue dust, spores that glow as if each...

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