The Cold Water Dragonoid Chapter 1

#1 of the cold water dragonoid a brawler named nathan is a poor sport. so much so, that he wakes up in vestroia, transformed into a dragonoid! can nathan change his sportsmanship and find a way out of vestroia? (hey guys!

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Chapter 2: The Dragon/Wolf, The Black Dragon, and The Dragonoid Medic!

### chapter 2: the dragon/wolf, the black dragon, and the dragonoid medic! when sora awoke, for the second time that day, he found himself outside. he was laying face down on a makeshift bed.

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Hunger of a Dragon

She stopped and looked at the dragon as the dragon's gut grumbled hungry. that was the last time she heard the dragon's gut. as the dragon went into battle the village was surprised to find life in the dragons cave.


The Protector

The dragon gasps. the hooded dragon runs upto the dragon and grabs his wrist very tightly, "what are you doing!?"

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Aya and the dragon

The dragon finally got off the ground; it flapped its wings slowly and gained altitude. "where are you taking me?" she asked as the dragon continued running. as the dragon started to ascend aya put her face against the dragon's neck.


Omnimodus Luminare

**omnimodus luminare dragons** body type: omnimodus luminare dragons (luminare dragons for short) have the serpentine body of the eastern dragon and the long muscular legs of the western dragon.

A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite

These head dragons later became descendants of the current head dragon families along with the emperor/empress being the leader of the head dragons being seen as a president among the dragons while the head dragons are seen as governor's say to speak.

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Shadow Dragon Bio

Though dragon in shape, a shadow dragon's looks can range greatly from one to another. some take the form of bones that release an unnatural black smoke or others as full dragons, simply black in color.

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Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

dragon** in my field and the **red-eyes b. dragon** , **red-eyes black flare dragon** , **black metal dragon** and **archfiend black skull dragon** in my graveyard!"

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Stars of Time - What Has Been and What Will Be

He spoke, and as if on cue, the two young dragons could see a dragon walking in the streets, and this dragon seemed to be causing plants to grow behind him as he walked.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 3: In the Mouth of Darkness

In the western region, we called them anti-dragons because we only assume that they consist of only dragon slayers, yet now they are dragons backing them."

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When Worlds Come Together

Unless that dragon lived with friends or family i might only have to deal with that one dragon.

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