Inverse Dissonance

We bend and break and repair, to the rythym of inverse dissonance.

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The guardian dragon chronicles dissonance "a whole other world is now ravaged by discord!" shouted one voice. "by our grace, we permitted you to proceed with your undertaking, but now collateral damage has been sustained!"

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Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”

Interstellar dissonance: "elements" by jesse brown _at the beginning, before there was time, three wolf gods met, each contributing to the creation of the universe. fenrir, the god of the void, created a great pit in reality to contain the universe.

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Internals (Poem)

On the outside of this maestrom conflict the waves of dissonant judgments erode me other loves in my life turn away, leave it and their toxin words burn at resolve, corroding then a light whisks it all away...

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Fates of the Ferals: Madness

There was suddenly a dissonant sound, and the figures around him began to shift unnervingly. he stepped out of the way as "big male" and "big female" fled the room.

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Dragonlord Saga - Prologue

"soon, yes, always best to let the meal mari...," cocking quick to the side, we ponder, "what do lesser races do with food aga-" "-haaaa uhhhhhh," a screech, off in the distance, peal of ululating dissonance, crescendo, descrendo, bass, treble, a medley painted

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There was, however, a dissonant knot: elspeth. her fate was intimately connected to the rest of theros, but she was a planeswalker.

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[TF] Perfect Chord

She had done well to snuff out that speck of dissonance, replacing it instead with a repetition of sy' roa's most beautiful passage: pao' tu. the dancer swells up her chest in pride, exalted by her own song.

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4X+Y Chapter 01 - I'm Sorry (Part 1)

She closed her eyes, managed to find a relatively comfortable posture, and convinced herself that the dissonant jittering was, in fact, just the thrum of a bass-line and pulse of a drum-beat that she felt from beneath her.

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Alcatraz Ch X~Dissonant Attraction

**PREPARE FOR THE LONGEST AUTHORS NOTES OF YOUR LIFE. I ACTUALLY HAD TO CONDENSE THE INFORMATION INTO PARAGRAPHS.** **Seems like I have to put one of these "I'm not badass" disclaimers at the start of every chapter lmao** **Riddick does get to a bit...

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044 - The Fool pt.04

Chloe creases her face clearly worried by the content of ell's reply, despite the dissonant upbeat tone of it. -if you can't get into it i und- -okay you got it out of me: they killed a cop.

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An Air of Remembrance

The sound mostly absorbed by the paper shoji walls of the room, no echos, no chaos caused by rogue dissonant waves. as it should be. as she should be. as she was. breath in. hold it. an instant of an instant passed.

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