Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 3

The next few days I spent trying to find this fiendish Mebtilogu, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then I decided to use my grand powers of...

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Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 2

The next 15 seconds were pretty rough, but then I decided to stop counting, so there were an innumerous amount of seconds that were pretty rough after that. Then I decided to have a...

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Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 1

Welcome. 'Tis I, the mighty Tlumisog: King of Reality. Since I have been thinking a lot about myself lately, and all my noble feats of epic heroism, I've decided to write my humble autobiography of...

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I think I know what to do next.

Or maybe i'm just getting delusional. probably delusional. i've asked around, it seems that this place is called ionia. and is indeed at war with noxus. for a while it seems too.

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

#1 of kiss of destiny a few years after the debacle that had led to an insane cross country trip with a delusional, if handsome, white dog and a very delusional hamster, mittens found herself, once again, lonely.

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Secrets Ch. 3

And what about delusional?" he looks at me with a smile that can only be taken as one of sympathy and apology.

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Carltober: Dawn Hound outfit

"delusional." "contrarian." "gladly so" flynn shrugged assholeishly. and they kissed.

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Vent a Plea

A glass that was just but one side of this delusional box. emotions were something i was never good at. i still am not good at. i'm suffocating. i'm drowning. help! help me please..? i want to scream it out. i want to cry it out.

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Was just from me their mentality was so certain of a higher understanding on their part i had ripped away the thrown they sat on, leaving them unwilling to realize the words were only a point they had overlooked, it was just the start the shame i saw in delusional

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Among the many thoughts that frequent my mind each day i find a few that seem to want to stay some doubtful, delusional, & some plain strange all share one thing, they leave some kind of room for change it's a given, in some ways, a curse like only being

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Forgotten Ch.4

Getting slightly delusional from the smell we sat across from each other and ate our midday lunch. by the time i left it was already 6:49 pm.

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One-sided, misguided, delusional, & beyond most worthwhile reasons it shows & hides well among the ever-changing seasons with smile like crocodiles, tears from practice over the years, it's easy to forget such talents exist these days whether aware,

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