I think I know what to do next.

Story by Teslare on SoFurry

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Adventures are always fun, ones that end up teaching you something are even better.

I've made it to the island, it's pretty nice here. Pretty scenery, lots of wildlife... The dead bodies of locals. Okay so maybe its not all that great, I guess Noxus and this place are at war, but they've somehow managed to hold back an entire army from the mainland. I'm impressed, time to start wandering around. I'll be back later I think. I hope.

I learned while wandering around a bit, that this place is a mystical area. I'm gonna start seeking out a mystic, or someone with some magical expertise. They'll be able to teach me how to use my magic maybe, and that's what I need right now, I need someone to be able to tell me and show me how to use this magic. I assume its ice magic, I got some looks on the boat. It looked like they were cold so I guess that's the only acceptable explanation. Heading further inland now. This'll be a good time I can tell already.

I've been drafted into some town here, still can't understand. Don't know what they're trying to tell me. At first they attacked me thinking I was from Noxus I guess. They gave me a funny look when they saw me, understandable. I didn't see any Noxians that looked like I did. I don't know if I have a say in this but I'm joining this group for the long haul, maybe this is where I'll bunker down at and start a new life.

Bad idea that was... As soon as I got settled down a bit, Noxians attacked. Everyone ran, most of them made it out and I got out of there alive. Now I have no clue where I... Is that a temple? I can only guess what's inside of it. This'll be a great bit of exploration.

As soon as I walked inside I saw a group of monks rush towards me, I was afraid so I pulled out my weapons. Turned out that was a bad idea too. Disarmed me faster than I could blink and knocked my ass to the ground. It's strange. I'm not sure if its magic or what, but I think they can understand me. Or maybe I'm just getting delusional. Probably delusional. I've asked around, it seems that this place is called Ionia. And is indeed at war with Noxus. For a while it seems too. This place has been devastated by the war, entire sections of the island unlivable because of bodies and wreckage. I can't believe that something like this is happening outside of the Freljord. There was a tiny furry thing, at first I thought it was a wolf pup. It turns out its something called a yordle. His name is Teoleif, or so I'm told by the other monks. He just became a full fledged monk it appears. Gonna go say hello.

Unlike the other monks, it appears he doesn't understand me completely. I think I really am just delusional. But I did get a hello from him, nice to know that there are friendly people in this world. Ones that aren't blood thirsty.

I've been here for almost four years. It's a bit shocking. I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't able to speak Ionian and know the island like the back of my hand. I've met a seer, by the name of Ewan and his.. Guardian? I guess that's what he calls him, his name is Tomo. We get along pretty well, and he's taught me how to control the magic, my paw no longer glows blue I'm pretty happy about that. And I no longer make everyone around me freeze when I'm around them. I've also learned about a strange phenomenon called "True Ice". Apparently I either absorbed some, or had some embedded into me at some point throughout my life. I don't remember that ever happening, because that's one of the few ways to gain control over ice magic. Like Ashe's bow or Sejuani's flail. Or all of Lissandra. I hope I never have to get into a land battle like them. But, its time I head out. I've learned of a place called the institute of war, maybe I can find some more answers there. Maybe even become a summoner, or a champion. Then at least I can get revenge on Lissandra for what she's done to my people.

Demaci-who? Noxi-what?

Outside of a huge gate. No idea why there's a huge gate, but there's a huge gate. Gold and blue I think. I've never actually seen gold. Only white and blue. With some red in there sometimes. I'm gonna try and get in. Wish me luck. Got in, not a huge...

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The Beginning of A Journey

Yeah. So, my name is Teslar Etzia. And I don't know why I'm writing these journal entries. I just have a book and a pen, so I might as well start using it now right? I don't know how you got these, and I don't particularly care. But, what I do know is...

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