The End of an Adventure, The Beginning of a Life.
I don't know why Rin was reading my Journal, she wouldn't of even been able to understand half of it. The latter halves sure but most of it is written in Freljordian that only I know outside of the Freljord. We reached Bandle City without incident and...
Friends and Folk.
I've decided to go to Piltover anyway after what has happened. I may be a killer now, but... I think it was a one time thing... When I get there I'm going to look for the School of Magic that's there. I start my journey today, with a group of summoners...
I lied, a little.
I'm going on more than one final adventure. I've learned from some of the Freljord summoners here that Ashe and her people are going to venture further north to try and shove Lissandra from power there. That means I may be able to go and find my...
Shurima Desert...
It's hot here... Too hot... I don't like it. So I'm gonna try my hardest to get in and get out. I know where I need to go, and I've been pointed in the right direction. I'm on my way there now. Gonna say though, my fur is a bit... Hampering... At this...
Odd jobs and Langauges?
The monks and locals pointed me towards a way to get to Seer Ewan again, apparently he doesn't just live here like I thought he did. He's agreed to take me on his next trip to the Institute of War. I couldn't be more grateful to him for everything he's...
I think I know what to do next.
I've made it to the island, it's pretty nice here. Pretty scenery, lots of wildlife... The dead bodies of locals. Okay so maybe its not all that great, I guess Noxus and this place are at war, but they've somehow managed to hold back an entire army...
Demaci-who? Noxi-what?
Outside of a huge gate. No idea why there's a huge gate, but there's a huge gate. Gold and blue I think. I've never actually seen gold. Only white and blue. With some red in there sometimes. I'm gonna try and get in. Wish me luck. Got in, not a huge...
The Beginning of A Journey
Yeah. So, my name is Teslar Etzia. And I don't know why I'm writing these journal entries. I just have a book and a pen, so I might as well start using it now right? I don't know how you got these, and I don't particularly care. But, what I do know is...