The Beginning of A Journey
The start of a long journey. The first of eight.
Yeah. So, my name is Teslar Etzia. And I don't know why I'm writing these journal entries. I just have a book and a pen, so I might as well start using it now right? I don't know how you got these, and I don't particularly care. But, what I do know is that currently - my life sucks. I was part of the Freljordian Ice Wolves, under the control of the Ice Witch Lissandra, turns out we were evil in the end and I didn't even know. How did none of us ever notice what we were doing. It must've been some kind of outside influence but I don't care. All I know is I'm going tot learn how to use this power I have. You see, I have a strange feature, besides not having claws... And being able to escape the influence of Her. I have some grasp over the ice that surrounds me and maybe someday I'll be able to come back and free them. For now though, I just need to get out and see the world for its magnificence, or its brutality. Maybe even both, wouldn't that be exciting?
In case you were wondering, I am an Ice Wolf. What entails an Ice Wolf you ask? White fur, sharp teeth, and no claws. Some of us have Darker blue eyes, others like me, have ice-like white eyes. If there is one thing I am proud of... Or was back when it mattered, was the fact I was in the front line, I am -was- one of the best sword and shield fighters in the pack, first to field last to leave. So it looks like we're both going on a little adventure now huh? Okay, there is something I need to share the fact of now before we go any further. I didn't exactly leave the pack, I was forced out. Upon breaking out of my trance I tried to tell the others what we were doing. Slaughtering young and old. I used to think we were creatures of honor like the Frostguard, turns out we were actually monsters. I also learned that I am the only one with my paw glowing bright blue. It's mesmerizing and I have no idea what caused it and I would love to figure out. Guess I've been walking and writing for a while now, guess I'll take a nap or something and then I'll head to Avarosa's main town and start this adventure off right. Seeing the true nature of the people we've been tormenting for ages now. I'll write again later, hopefully.
Just entered the city, it's some time after lunch I'd guess. Lots of people running around all hurriedly, hopefully I don't draw too much attention. That's not something I need right now, in the middle of a former enemy's home town. I wonder how many of these children and families were slain by me and my caste. I... I don't feel too good. Oh! I see something in the distance. I walked up too it, and its a giant man, like enormous. He has a keg next too him. I can't imagine its just him drinking it, although I wouldn't put it past him. And, others seem to be surrounding him, someone with an overly large sword and a woman with a bow... Wait... Is that Ashe and Tryndamere? I didn't think they'd be here... Or maybe I should've it IS their town after all. Time to go before they notice me, a lone ice wolf... No I don't want to be referred to as that anymore. I'm a frost wolf now, and I'll start a whole new pack somewhere soon. There'll be a bunch of pups around here someday! First I have to...Well... Find a woman... And a new place to start a family... Man this is gonna be hard.
I've looked around enough and after being kicked out a couple of taverns for being dirt poor, I'm going to have to sleep outside. This is going to go great, good thing I brought my hooded tunic with me instead of the raid armor. I also have my weapons with me in case I'm attacked. Goodnight world.
Time to go. I've woke up early enough, I'm gonna go try and find the Winter's Claw. Don't hear that often, off we go now.
Ahahah. I found their camp, was immediately attacked, and ran away. Not in the mood for fighting. The pig and her boar can go to hell. Time to leave and start exploring places that aren't Freljord. Good luck to me, I'll be back someday to free my people hopefully.