Open Season

I'm really in a couplet-y mood lately, not sure why. i got out of the couplet thing for awhile there and just just finished this.

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The Great Migration

couplet 4 lines the tribes of the catfolk on the continent of thrace endured hardship and persecution more than any other race so while the life of a bedouin is full of combat and strife it's better to get moving if that means staying alive


Death Knight Crusaders

couplet 4 lines they wear dark black plate armor and don helmets ensconced with the wings of bats and they invade each village and assault any innocent bystanders while blood splats the take from treasures that is not their own and they loot all of the


This Poem Is Haunted

This is the house that he built out of breath. That was his living. This is his death. These are his clothes, though he needs them no more. Those were his shoes, left outside the door. These are peeled grapes, but pretend they're his...

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#60 of poetry i don't usually write things this short but i've been trying all day to think of something, anything, to add to this couplet. the performative anti-ai disclaimer is gonna be longer than the poem!

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Hue and Cry

The couplet is the traditional iambic pentameter. i like using dactylic meter because it's dramatic, especially when reading it. the stressed syllables are in bold if you want to try it!


First Command

The couplets are in iambic pentameter and trochaic tetrameter with masculine rhymes. i feel the turn at the end is sudden, but overall i'm happy with this one. will the **trance** follow **up** with a **fitt** ing comm **and**?

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**Cards** ** ** The cards are dealt, The impact is felt, Two hands we see, How will these lives be? To one goes a loving home, Another is left to roam. To one happiness and kindness felt, The other only hardships and welts, ...

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The Past is the Opposite Shallows

The past is the opposite shallows of a river at flood to the lip. And swift do the rapids swallow. And swift are the tides that rip. And that which the past generations have builded on seeming stone Is crumbled in deep desolations, and carried away...

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Curse on a Deserving Land

Dark clouds gather at the edge of the sky. We have one last reckoning, you and I. And you've never met me, you don't know my name, But you are my murderer just the same. In the dust was my living. Unto dust I return. And when have you shown the...

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Regaining Lost Honor: Part 1

._ it was said that the antithesis heroic couplet written by vigil ment this: every one is not what they seem, even though they, who seem good, have hidden agendas.

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Rest Less

Cold clouds coiling around the pregnant moon. Night is calling to me. It is rising. It is soon. Secret scents nocturnal up are swelling, and above The moon rolls like a mirror of the face of her I love. I will not go outside tonight, will nor...

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